The Mixtape (SMUT)

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The Doctor searched the winding halls of the TARDIS, eager to share his thoughts with Y/N. He had came up with the idea of a new destination to travel to and wanted to ask her opinion. She wasn't in the control room, or bathroom, so he headed for her bedroom to see if she was sleeping late into the afternoon. After one knock on her wooden door, he knocked again.

No response.

"Y/N? Are you in there?" He called out.

No response.

His impatience got the better of him and he slowly opened the door, only to find she wasn't in there. He never really got the chance to have a look in her room. He examined it quietly, loving the window into her personality. The floor was littered with clothes that she had tugged out of her wardrobe, presumably failed outfit matches. Her bed side table was covered with empty mugs, half read books, candles and mismatched earrings. Her walls were plastered with posters representing her favourite movies and bands, alongside printed pictures of her friends back home. It was like watching her old life before him. All the concerts, festivals, nights out, house parties, summer evenings and day trips. He laughed to himself, thinking of the teenage dirtbag image she used to have. The weird thing was she rarely discussed her life back home. The Doctor struggled to recognise half of the people. He knew of her closest friends, as he had overheard her conversations on the phone to them, but most faces were mysteries. There was one boy that seemed to feature in most pictures, and they looked quite close. A burn of jealousy lingered in his chest so he turned away. She never took pictures with him. I guess they are always too caught in the moment.

In the centre of the room was her large bed, dressed in red sheets with grey blankets and several comfortable pillows. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted something poking out from underneath her bed. His curious nature kicked in and he sat beside the bed, pulling out a large chest box with a silver padlock on it. He knew he shouldn't snoop, it was a total invasion of privacy but he couldn't help himself. She would never know he looked, and he knows his girl, she doesn't keep secrets from him. He tugged his sonic out of his pocket and held it against the lock, the whizzing noise echoed throughout the room. He managed to unlock it, gently placing it down beside him as he nervously opened the box.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he peeked inside. It was a collection of some sorts. At the top were birthday cards that the Doctor had gifted her which he had scribbled sweet messages on. He carefully lifted them off and set them aside to investigate the rest of the contents. He picked up a mixtape, labelled with 'songs that remind me of him'. His cheeks flushed red and he couldn't stop the sheepish grin that was spreading across his face as he put it in his trouser pocket for safe keeping. He then spotted some photos, which regained his confused expression. He knew that she never took pictures with him. He scrambled to pick them up. They were pictures of him. One was a scene of him sprawled across the beach, shirtless and his eyes covered with sunglasses. One was him sleeping in the library, his head gently resting against her shoulder and an open book across his chest. One was him working in the control room late at night, the only light source being the blue light from his sonic which illuminated his face. She had a pile of pictures, all marked with dates, none of which he knew she had even captured. The last thing that caught his attention was a navy book which was bound in wraps of string.

He unravelled the wrappings, desperate to know what was inside. His hearts were beating loudly as he began to read. It was a journal of every single day they had spent together. The passages were extremely detailed, down to the socks he was wearing that day or the volume of the music in the TARDIS. The descriptions included sweet little thoughts, one day she wrote about how his cologne was particularly strong on that occasion or how badly she missed him on the days he was busy. The love that she evidently had for him almost brought a tear to his eye until the sound of the opening door caused him to drop the book.

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