A Failed Mission

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The story begins on a stormy night. Sirens were blaring and things seems to be really hectic at the moment.

Police were surrounding the door to a large apartment complex. They had their tasers ready for any threat that has been there.

"We've got you surrounded!" A police officer said into megaphone. "Come out slowly with your hands up!"

At that moment, a loud crash was heard as a large piece of ice was shot out of the side of the building and four figures had been seen escaping through the broken wall.

"They're getting away!" A police officer said. "After them, men!"

The police squad then got back in their cars and drove off to attempt to follow the four figures to apprehend them.

The cops chased them for a while, but couldn't seem to keep up with them. That was because they had stopped running and were hiding in an alleyway. Once the police were out of sight, one of the four peeked out and looked back towards the others.

One of them was a male blue alien with four arms. His name is Krel Tarron. The second was a female mobian bat with aquamarine eyes, and was wearing a black jumpsuit with a big heart on the chest, white gloves, and white boots. Her name is Rouge. The third was another young woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, and was wearing a blue dress and white open-toed heels. Her name is Melissa Shield. The fourth was a young man with half-white and half-red hair, ice blue eyes, and was wearing a blue jumpsuit with grey suspenders. His name is Shoto Todoroki.

"Alright, we're in the clear." Krel said, giving his teammates a thumbs up.

"Well, that was rough." Rouge said. "Good thing we're quicker than those cop guys."

"I'm sorry, I know it was my fault somehow." Melissa said. "I knew I was never meant to be one of you guys."

"Well, at least we didn't mess up too bad." Krel said. "Maybe the boss will understand."

"Well, isn't that wishful thinking?" Shoto said, sarcastically.

"What's the matter, Shoto?" Melissa asked.

"All of you." Shoto said. "We were given a simple job to do and you all messed up!"

"Hey, you can't just blame us." Rouge said. "You messed up as well! What about the ice?"

"I think I have a fair use of my quirk." Shoto said seriously. "But the rest of you. . . failed a simple order."

Shoto looked at everyone and instantly began to criticize them.

"Krel, your intelligence failed us." Shoto said. "The least you could've done was focus!"

"It's hard to focus when I'm under pressure." Krel said.

"Rouge, you're too eager to win." Shoto said. "You can't keep getting caught us like this."

"Well, when there's something shiny, I'll go for it." Rouge said. "It's in my nature."

"Melissa. . . your disguise was fine." Shoto said. "It's just the way you catch feelings for everyone."

"I can't help it if someone's cute." Melissa said. "Why do you think I dressed this way?"

"All of you have your own issues." Shoto said. "But I know I can't be too mad at you guys for it."

"Well, yeah." Rouge said. "We all know how strict the boss is, right?"

"Oh, he'll have our butts!" Melissa said, in a scared tone.

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Krel said. "Shoto can make up an excuse for us, right?"

"I don't know how many more excuses the boss can take." Shoto said. "For all we know, this could be our last day alive."

"So, what do we do?" Melissa asked.

"We'll just have to hope that he has an easier mission for us." Shoto said. "Something that's easy."

"I just don't know how much more I can take." Melissa said. "This has been too much for my frail body."

"Why don't we just quit?" Krel asked.

"You know we can't do that." Rouge said. "The boss is way too strict. He'd rather kill us himself than let us quit."

"Which is why we can't fail again." Shoto said. "I bet he won't be giving us many more chances."

As he said that, there was a buzz coming from Melissa's pocket. She took it out and saw that it was a text message from their boss.

"Did any of you guys get a message from the boss?" Melissa asked.

"Yep." The others all said at once.

"And does it also say that he needs to see us immediately?" Melissa asked.

"Yep." The others all said, again, at the same time.

"So. . . we should get going then." Melissa said.

"You're right." Shoto said seriously. "Let's go. And pray that we're still alive to see tomorrow."

With that said, the four of them went back to where their boss was at, hoping that they weren't dead at that moment.

But little did they know, was that they were going to be given a mission that would change their lives, possibly for the better.

To be continued. . .

My Hero Academia belongs to Funimation

Tales of Arcadia belongs to DreamWorks

Sonic characters belong to Sega

All rights reserved

Chapter written by me

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