Welcome To The Voltron Team

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Lance need some extra cash. He wasn't in dire need, as him and his parents managed to take on almost all of the costs of university with Lance's hard work every year in scholarships and their's in saving. But, he was tired of only eating microwaved macaroni, ramen, and leftovers from the food hall. It was getting to the point where Lance couldn't even to look at noodles the same anymore.

He looked for jobs near him, and most were your typical adverts: fast-food (people are already shitty to those workers without the fact that he was an omega—not happening), small stores in the local mall, etc. One did eventually catch his eye. There was a bistro and bar not far from campus named Voltron. They were looking for a host, something of his specialty. The pay was decent and the place looked interesting. He sent his resume through their link and hoped he'd hear back.

He did. Quite quickly actually. It had been two days, and when Lance's last class was over he had an email asking about an interview. It stated that he could schedule an interview as soon as today or in the next couple. It was only 2 pm, so Lance called their number and asked if he could have an interview at 3:30. A very happy man with a bit of a strange accent on the other end told him that they would be gladly waiting for him.

Lance sorted through his small closet and took a hanger from the back. It was his nice clothes for events like this. A nice white button-up, navy blue slacks, a black belt, and pair of nice black lace-up derby cap toe shoes. He parted his hair on the side and moved the sides apart, making sure the longer side was placed right. His hair curled slightly but he left it in favor of not having to rush. He checked for his key, phone, and wallet; wrote a note to Hunk about where he was; and checked himself in the mirror one last time.

It wasn't far to the restaurant, about a mile's walk from the campus. Lance certainly didn't have the money for a car, so he got used to walking. Eventually, he started taking pleasure in each one, admiring the world around him as he went. It was different than his smaller hometown, so it was easy to find interest in his surroundings despite it being his third year there.

He grabbed the smooth gold handles of Voltron's entrance and stepped inside. It was a nice place. Decorated in tasteful pieces to match the wood used for everything else. Soft light that mixed with day light to make a slight glow in the place. There was even a stage. He stood near the door for a minute before a familiar face came out from a set of doors on the back wall. Lance waved to Allura, who quickly came over after doing a double-take.

"Lance! Hi, what's brought you here?" She leaned on the bar counter next to them.

"Well, I actually called in for an interview at 3:30."

"Oh! You're out applicant! Great, I am sure you'll get the position. We may have only had a few study sessions together, but you seem to have a personality perfect for here. I'll go get my uncle."

"Your uncle?"

"Oh yes, sorry, the one you probably talked to schedule the interview was my uncle, Coran. He also owns this place," Lanced whispered an understanding 'oh' as Allura turned and disappeared behind a door at the end of the bar.

Seconds later, a very joyful-looking man with purposefully styled hair and mustache appeared. He was dressed something similar to Lance, but his had on a navy vest over his button-up.

"Hello, my boy! You must be Lance!" Coran started off excitedly, extending his hand.

Lance shook his hand, "Yes, I'm here for my interview." He smiled calmly with confidence in his voice and barely contained excitement in his eyes.

"Right!" Coran said, but he didn't make any movements towards a room to do so.

Instead, he placed his hands firmly on Lance's shoulders and met his eyes. It took Lance by surprise, yet the few patrons inside didn't even blink at the move or stare as the conversation continued.

"Are you an honest boy who will work what you're worth and provide a welcoming service here at Voltron?"

Lance hadn't had any plans to, but Coran's eyes seemed to make it so that he could only tell the man the truth, lying wouldn't work on him. The place was getting more fascinating by the second.

"Yes, I am. I love being around people, I'm quick with a good memory, and would only want to be or create a welcoming environment. I also used to help host at a diner in my hometown.

"Well, then, that's that," Coran released Lance's shoulders and clapped his hands together.

"Umm... So...?"

"That means you got the job," Allura helpfully interjected from behind her uncle.

"Oh? That's all?" Lance didn't sound affronted, just a little lost.

"My uncle seems to have a really great sense of people, if he thinks you're a good fit, then you just are," Coran nodded in affirment.

"I have to ask though, did you see my secondary gender on my resume? Usually, employers have questions about it."

It was legally required to put your second gender on documents like resumes and such. While the world wasn't as bad as it used to be with the hierarchy of second genders, omegas still weren't completely out of the woods. Lance wasn't ashamed of being an omega, far from it, as some wanted him to be. His mama had taught him to love every inch of himself. So he did. He lived with confidence, managing the aspects of being an omega when needed, just like everyone else. It seemed though, that there would always be that person once in a while.

"Yes I read it, but I have no questions. You being an omega has nothing to do with hosting. That's like if I had to know your eye color to hire you. It's not important in a person's character, and that's all I need," Coran gave a light smile to the two before heading behind back to the bar.

"Well... that was probably the best interview I've ever had, if not, then the quickest," Lanced giggled.

"Yes, my uncle is an interesting man, a caring man, but an interesting one to boot. Since you finished that up, you can head back home if you don't need anything else. You'll start tomorrow. I will email and text you your schedule, just to be safe. Let me know if there are any concerns. Your apron will be here for you tomorrow as well. We have a button-up and pants that you can have or you can use your own. I'll give you the grand tour tomorrow."

"Thanks, Allura. It's actually quite nice knowing I'll have someone here I'm comfortable around."

"Of course! Welcome to the Voltron team."

Lance smiled warmly at the thought. This placed seemed like somewhere he could come to love. The two exchanged goodbyes and Lance started the trek back. Hunk would probably find this whole thing hilarious.


Allura took her place back at the host stand as the other two servers checked on the few patrons dining.

Lance would be a good fit here. A lively fit. It's not that the place wasn't already lively, but Lance had a charm that just couldn't be explained.

She pulled out her phone from her apron and leaned on the stand as she opened her messages. She created a new group text with Keith and Shiro. The only thing she sent was a picture of Lance in his interview look. She managed to get a nice shot from a side angle while Coran talked with him. It was only a few seconds until she got the responses she had expected and laughed to herself.


Keith and Shiro were resting at their apartment while Shiro filled out paperwork. The living room had a comforting stillness as Keith's head rested on Shiro's leg. The serenity though was temporarily interrupted by their phones going off simultaneously. They glanced at each other before grabbing their respective devices. They opened the message that Allura had sent them. Wasn't she at work today?

When the picture of Lance in a devastatingly handsome outfit loaded, they understood. For a moment both took in the more styled look of the boy. He still had that cute air around him, but now there was also a confidence added to it that certainly suited him.

They both saved the photo, then remembered that they should probably text back.

Shiro: Wow.

Keith: Thanks.

Allura: ;)

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