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Ch. 30: Marry Me

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Seraena stood on the parapet, watching the carriages arrive.

Moonlight shone off the limestone drive, turning it into a bony spine. Violin music drifted up to the rooftops, mixing with the hush-hush of the black sea. Someone had strung lights in the palace gardens, illuminating night-blooming flowers and dragon statues. A couple giggled in hushed whispers, secluded in the shadows of a baobab tree.

She leaned against the railing.

Some of the carriages she recognized. Others, she didn't. The carriage with a pink lotus on it belonged to the Yadav family, a wealthy Zarobian family that exported perfumes. The red-and-black axe sigil represented the Brimstones, who worked in weapons. Then there was a sapphire carriage, a canary yellow carriage, a lilac carriage with precious gems...

Seraena's gaze landed on the final carriage: a white barouche inlaid with pearls. Her stomach tightened. Septimus Greenstock. She hadn't seen him since they were children when he'd hidden dragon dung in her bed. Sep's family owned half the Gongo Isles, and he'd be her Uncle Cillian's top choice this evening.

Which was just as well.

It would make rejecting him all the sweeter.

A beating of wings made Seraena look up. A large dragon descended from the sky; the creature's claws dug into the side of a turret, sending stone crumbling down towards the fleeing couple. Kane slid from Hellart's back. He was dressed in a black suit, and the material strained against his shoulders. He'd put on muscle, Seraena thought, her gaze raking over his body. All those weeks training new recruits had paid off.

He looked like temptation in a suit. Of course he did.

She sighed.

As if tonight wasn't torturous enough.

"Eight for the dramatic entrance," Seraena said. "Four for the dismount. You're getting sloppy, Hillsbrook."

Kane shook his head. "Raena. You look..."

Seraena looked down. She wore an almost translucent golden gown, with gossamer sleeves that flared out like wings when she raised her arms. Her cousin Makenna had even talked her into a heavy crown, although she was regretting her choices; how the hell did people wear these things on a regular basis? Surely it was giving her spinal damage.

"Ridiculous," Seraena finished. "I look ridiculous."

Kane's mouth kicked up. "You know that's not true."

"I miss my riding leathers," she muttered.

Kane moved closer. His warm arm pressed against her, and she rested her head on his shoulder. Their heartbeats synchronized. He smelled like saltwater and iron, Seraena thought, her eyes fluttering closed; he must have been feeding the dragons at the salt caves.

"How are you?" Kane asked.

"Tired," Seraena said. "Hungry. Likely to get Kyllini to set someone on fire."

She could hear the smile in Kane's voice. "Go right ahead. I won't stop you." He stiffened. "Who's that?"

Seraena opened her eyes. A young man was hopping down from the white carriage, a sword swinging at his side. A column of light spilled out from the palace doors and caught on his face, illuminating his pale skin and dark hair. He said something to a footman, who laughed and tipped his hat. Seraena grimaced. She hadn't seen him in years, but she'd recognize that stupid drawl anywhere.

"Septimus Greenstock," Seraena said. "He's a right bastard. He once taunted me into climbing the palace walls and then told my mother on me. I had to empty chamber pots for a month after that."

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