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Well, this is the end of a story I had so much fun writing. Shout out to my Beta Katie. The best Stay ever.

If you haven't already, please check out my other fics. Heart Song - Minsung and Faithfully Yours - Chanlix with a side story of Minsung.

After this I have a Christmas Minsung ABO one-shot coming (subscribe for notifications when I post) A Changlix ABO and and Minsung ABO.

I would like to reemphasize how wonderful it is reading comments, big to small. Please leave one. Lots of love. Stray Kids and Minsung forever!!

Zipping his overnight bag closed Minho cuts the lights in his bedroom off, carting the weighty Gucci bag to the living room. The large designer tote is just one of the many gifts Jisung has showered him in over the past three months. Jewelry, flowers, designer clothes... you name it. Jisung had taken his promise of "I'm going to date the fuck out of you" seriously, and used every date they'd gone on as a chance to surprise the dancer with something new.

If heaven on earth were possible Minho is convinced that he's experiencing it. Since the night they'd had the heart-to-heart conversation at his old apartment things had been as perfect as he could've imagined. No, better actually. Never in the past seven years could he have imagined that he would live in Seoul and be dating Jisung again. The morning after their talk he'd awoken to the younger pressed against his side snoring softly in his arms.

Snuggled close to the younger he'd watched Jisung sleep as the morning dawn filled his room with sunlight. Studying the man's relaxed face in the pale light Minho had felt the first stitch of his heart being sewn back together. It hurt, there was pressure in the vacant cavity of his chest for the first time in so long and he wasn't sure what he should do about it. It felt fragile. He was scared to breathe too deeply lest it shatter.

Tracing the soft lines of Jisung's face with his eyes he'd known even then what giving the boy another chance would end with. Minho would love him again. He has no choice in the matter. His heart hadn't consulted him years ago when it had turned its care over to the man in his arms, and it didn't consult him that morning as it rustled around in his chest preparing to return to its rightful keeper.

Jisung shifted in his sleep and suddenly the relaxed face had sleepy eyes blinking open. Smiling at the man next to him he'd watched as the eyes shifted from sleep to recognition. He felt the younger's body shake before seeing the man's face fall in relief, descending into tears. Crying into Minho's chest Jisung had held the elder tightly, muffling his sobs and getting the skin across his pecs wet. Once calm enough to speak the man had looked at him through wet lashes and admitted that he'd thought the night before had been a dream. The best dream of his life.

Minho had kissed the last of his tears away and promised him this was real. They were together and he was staying. The smile he'd been given in return had put the beauty of the dawning sun to shame.

Jisung had left shortly after to go home and feed Soonie, promising to return around lunchtime for their date. A wise move as neither had known Felix and Hyunjin would show up thirty minutes later demanding breakfast and story time. His two friends had nearly ruptured his eardrums with their squeals of delight after hearing that the two had made up and agreed to try dating again.

Hyunjin had unpacked half of Minho's wardrobe claiming he had to be the one to style the elder for his date that afternoon. He could've throttled the man for destroying his organized moving boxes but he caved after they'd both pouted and argued that they'd been denied the opportunity for years and wanted the chance to help him.

He'd had no idea that across town Jisung was getting the same treatment from Chan and Changbin. The two producers ganged up on the smaller one to wheedle out the details of the previous night.

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