Chapter 11

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The moment we have all been waiting for!

Possible trigger warning*** Consensual smut with some non-consensual elements

Chapter Text

Looking at his reflection in the wall of mirrors Jisung decides that he looks like shit. The bags under his eyes are darker then normal, his typically dewy skin is dry and lifeless. Huffing he curls his bicep lifting the weight in his right arm and then his left.

If it weren't for Chan's nagging he wouldn't even be in the gym right now. The helicopter mom had pestered him into working out, arguing that missing one day was fine but two unacceptable. Ever the people pleaser Jisung had given in only to be abandoned thirty minutes into their session. It's not Chan's fault Felix got a flat tire and needed his help, however he will blame Changbin for leaving him. Hyunjin wearing booty shorts during his afternoon class is not a sufficient excuse to flake out and stick Jisung with lifting small weights while watching Jungkook and Minho flirt for an hour.

The good news is that he's learned that One OK Rock blasting in his eardrums can drown out the sound of Minho's breathy laughter and flirty comments. If he had to listen to the elder say one more positive thing about Jungkook's tattoos he was going to lose it. Sure tattoos are sexy but give him fifteen minutes and a sharpie and he could do the same thing.

Thankfully somewhere in between his pull-ups and dumbbell rows, the two had disappeared and he was left to suffer through his workout alone. A small mercy but he'll take it. It's a double edged sword, however, because being alone with himself right now is not the quiet solitude it once was. After Jeju, his mind has become his worst enemy again. The voices returned to mock him for being pathetic... disgusting. The shitty committee in his brain is fed up with his behavior. Jerking off on the other side of the bathroom door as Minho masturbated in the shower has his self respect at an all time low. Everywhere he goes he takes himself and so his shame and humiliation follow him.

The timer on his phone goes off and he drops the weights he's holding, his arms shake, his muscles sighing in relief that the torture is done for the day. Spritzing the weights with disinfectant he picks up his gym bag and heads for the locker room to shower. He doesn't mind returning to the studio sweaty but the girls he'll be recording with later would probably appreciate him not stinking up the small recording room. It had honestly never occurred to him and the others to bathe after working out until one of the make-up noonas had told them Lunar Eclipse had complained about the "boy smell".

What the hell does that even mean?!? Boy smell? They're dudes and gay ones at that. He's willing to bet money that even unwashed his ass smells better than half the male idols in the industry. His new dislike for the female idols may also be linked to the rumor that more than one of them has a crush on their new choreographer (Minho) and that even sweaty he still manages to smell "sexy" and "like a man should". Little do they know that the heart of their crush is gayer than a Hello Kitty vibrator.

Dropping his gym bag in front of an open shower stall he strips off his sweaty tank top and pops out his earbuds. Searching in the bag for their case movement in the corner of his eye has him looking up. Lungs forgetting how to function, the earbuds slip from his hand clattering to the floor as every muscle in his body locks up. Standing just four stalls down from him is Minho, naked and dripping wet. Reaching for a towel the elder freezes in place when he spots Jisung, his face mirroring the younger's surprise.

Droplets of water slide down the man's torso and the only part of Jisung that seems to work properly are his eyes which follow the water's journey to the short crop of hair directly above Minho's soft cock. Oh fuck... his mouth waters at the sight and suddenly his skin feels too tight for his body. Minho is just as perfect as he'd been years ago. From the linear scar stretching across his abs to the new scar running vertically over his left knee cap Jisung is bewitched by him. The nipple piercings that used to drive him wild are still there, only now they're little hoops instead of barbells. He wants to hear the metal clack against his teeth...

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