Chapter 1

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I really hope you all enjoy this angsty Minsung fic.

It is ANGSTY and beautiful! Let me preface with that! It does have a happy ending because I can't live in a world where Minsung doesn't end up with their happily ever after. Also, the explicit rating is there for a reason. Adult content and topics a head.

Please note there is the F*g slur in this but it fits within the context of the story and is important. I don't use this language in my everyday life.

All cash amounts are in Korean Won so if the number sounds crazy big, remember there is an exchange rate.

I will add a few tags at the start of a couple chapters just in case, but I don't believe I have left anything out of the main tags that would be important (I don't like to spoil the plot with excessive tags).

Please note* When reading this, if you see something that says "Jisung dies"- DO NOT PANIC. He is literally alive and well in the fic. The explanation will come.


"Eomma, seriously, I understand this is a huge opportunity but I have to consider the costs as well."

Cell phone precariously balanced between his shoulder and ear, Minho sets the cheesecake on the refrigerator shelf to chill. Closing the door his neck pops as he adjusts to hold the phone with his hand.

"Min-ah I get that you love this boy but is he really worth missing out on the chance of a lifetime? People like us don't get opportunities like this. I want so much for you and always have. When I got pregnant at sixteen I made a promise to myself that you would have a better life. That you wouldn't have to sacrifice your dreams just to make rent and eat. Promise me you will think about it some more?"

"Fine, I promise. I have to go now okay? I love you and I'll call you later this week."

"Alright, I love you too. Think hard! Bye baby."

"Bye eomma."

Frustrated Minho ends the call tossing his phone on the counter. The loud clatter makes him cringe when he imagines the crack he just added to the already spiderwebbed screen. This is the third time his mother has called trying to convince him to take the scholarship, and the fact that she's resorted to using the "I had you when I was sixteen" guilt trip makes his shoulders ache with stress.

He doesn't have the heart to tell her his mind is already made up.

A year ago if you'd told him he would be turning down a full scholarship to the Melbourne Academy of the Arts Ballet School he would've laughed in your face. Completing a master's program there was his greatest dream. A dream he'd been fighting for since his first dance class. She is right too... people like them don't get chances like this often.

To say they'd grown up poor would be an understatement. His mother sometimes juggling three jobs just to make ends meet. Her dream of dancing traded for diapers and bottles had been passed along to her son. No matter how little money they'd had, she'd always made sure he was in a dance class. They struggled, sacrificed for his dream...but that was before he'd met Han Jisung.

Nine months prior

"Minho-ah, don't look but you have a baby gay scoping you out. Just your type too."

The loud boom of the bar's techno music has his coworker shouting into his ear.

Minho rolls his eyes at Seonghwa's comment, too busy calculating how much Irish cream he needs to care about some customer staring at his ass. "That's great hyung, maybe he can come back here and help me with this order for a dozen shots while he's at it."

After UsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon