Chapter 1: A Dragon's Call

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(A/N: I tried to translate the spells but not all have been translated.)

"Find Gaius. He will help you. Make sure to give him this letter." Her mother's voice resonated in her head. It had taken a few days, but Merlynna had finally reached her destination. Camelot.

"You look so young." Bruce said.

"I was 19 when I first came to Camelot."

Merlynna entered Camelot with a smile. She looked up and saw Uther Pendragon addressing the crowd from the balcony in the Square. She looked around to see what had caused such a commotion and noticed a man being brought forward, by guards, to a wood stand in the center of the Square.

Uther's voice echoed through the Square. "Let this serve as a lesson to all. This man, Thomas James Collins, is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic. And, pursuant to the laws of Camelot, I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practices are banned on penalty of death. I pride myself as a fair and just king, but for the crime of sorcery, there is but one sentence I can pass." Merlynna looked back and forth between the King and the man. Uther Pendragon despises magic. Where have I come to? She thought to herself. Merlynna watched in horror as Uther raised his arm, then lower it as a signal to the executioner.

Thomas Collins had been beheaded.

The crowds gasped at the execution. Thomas Collins had been a kind man. Now he was dead. All because of the King's view of sorcery.

"That was your first experience in Camelot? What about your magic?" Percy asked.

"It was. I was so terrified, I remember thinking, why would my mother send me here? I had to make sure that no one knew about my magic." Merlyn told her youngest son. They hadn't talked about the revelations yet, they needed to process it first, but they decided that at the break they would discuss it.

"When I came to this land, this kingdom was mired in chaos, but with the people's help magic was driven from the realm. So, I declare a festival to celebrate twenty years since the Great Dragon was captured and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery. Let the celebrations begin." Uther said.

An elderly woman ran out of the crowd and screamed at the sight of her now deceased son. It was Mary Collins. "There is only one evil in this land, and it is not magic! It is you!" Mary wailed. "With your hatred and your ignorance! You took my son! And I promise you, before these celebrations are over, you will share my tears. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a son for a son."

"Now I understand her pain." Both Arthur and Merlynna whispered. They understood why Mary Collins tried to avenge her son. They wanted to kill Morgana for stealing their children. But they wanted to wait... until it was the right time.

"Seize her!" Uther demanded. The guards moved forward to arrest the grieving mother, but before they could grab her, she chanted a spell and disappeared in a whirl of wind and smoke.

Merlynna left the Square immediately after, not wanting to see anymore. She entered the palace, looked around confused before addressing a knight. "Hi, excuse me." She said, nicely.

"Yes, My Lady."

Merlynna blushed. "I'm not a lady."

"My mistake. I assumed with such beauty; you were a Lady." The Knight flirted.

"Ewen flirted with you? Why didn't you tell me?" Arthur asked.

"Because it didn't matter. He only flirted that once." Merlynna laughed.

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