Made you look

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Storm pulled a rope tight, securing a camouflage blind over their stakeout hut to a bar in the wood before putting a strainer on his head and entering the cabin at last.

Inside, the hut was warmly lit by lanternlight, two dog beds in the corner of the room, a sticker covered desk cluttered with books, folders and papers up against the back wall, and a rainbow bag on top of a fluffy rainbow carpet filled to the brim with snacks and activities in the middle of the room.

Sniper was up front, strainer adorned and already looking through one of the many pairs of binoculars that were glitter glued into the walls after some mishaps with a drill.

"Alright! Only took me two failed knots and a casualty with the wind, but I did it!"

"and just in time too, it's gonna be twilight real soon!" Sniper exclaimed, grinning at him from over his shoulder

"great, you got the tofu down there, right?" Storm padded over to him, looking through another one of the pairs of binoculars. A piping hot bowl of fried tofu in a delicious broth sitting in the snow. Next to it, a bowl of water, napkins, and a toy of a kitsune.

"Yup! I even added a toy so it doesn't feel lonely!" he cheerily replied

"and you remember the code knock right?" he briefly glanced down at him before continuing his constant switching on the binoculars.

"Mhm!" Sniper knocked "a shave and a furcut" on the wooden floor.

"Great...and now we wait...keep your eyes peeled brother" Storm grinned, ears flattened back as he opened up a notebook. Quill already to paper, and his eyes going from binocular to binocular.

"Okie dokie!" Sniper replied, tails wagging

seconds passed, then minutes, then an hour. Quietly watching the bowl get progressively more soggy and frosted over with ice. The bowl of water long hardened up into a mere block.

" dice with the twilight hour. Let's see how the night'll fair, watch my back!" Storm stuffed his notebook and quill under his wing, beginning to run out

"I will don't worry, good luuckk!!" he waved

"won't need it!" he hopped out the door, shutting it behind him and unfurling his wings, gracefully gliding down to the ground and landing before the meal.

"Alright just need to do thiss..." he mumbled to himself, illuminating the tofu and water in a turquoise glow. His horns alit the same, sparking and sputtering like mad, which brought the same effect on the dishes. Bringing them back to their former glory of edibility.

"Aand I just stand here..." he blinked, lifting up the steaming bowl of aburaage in his telekinetic grasp and standing there like a clueless waiter.

He looked around, the trails empty, not even a porch light on or a late night bustle of animals. The surrounding forest unusually silent. A rigid chill impenetrable against his thick coat, and the constant feeling of being watched evermore present in the stillness.

Trying not to let nerves get the better of him, Storm cleared his throat, and began a song and dance
"ohh, oh no it appears that I am lost and dazed, all alone with nothing but this delicious, fresh bowl of fried tofu! Whatever will I do!" he said, loud enough for the moles to hear. Whining to really sell his point, his tail at a droop.

But nothing came of it. Flurries of snow beginning to get caught in the gusts of wind.

Storm blinked, awkwardly looking around
"uhh...oh and did I mention that i'm the forest spirit? Yup, can't uh...can't find my house. Which is not right in front of me."

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