Declarations in Bloom

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As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm hue over the rose garden, Minty couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. The thoughtful gesture of Dominik reading passages from her favorite book lingered in the air, creating a sense of wonder and curiosity.

"Why did you read the book for me?" Minty asked, her eyes filled with a gentle curiosity.

Dominik smiled, his gaze unwavering. "I wanted to find words that echoed my feelings for you. And 'This Girl' seemed like the perfect canvas. Every highlighted passage expresses something I love about you."

Minty, touched by his sincerity, felt a warmth spread through her. The garden, with its blossoming roses and the echoes of love expressed in literature, became a symbolic backdrop to their unfolding story.

Dominik, taking a deep breath, looked into Minty's eyes with an intensity that mirrored his emotions. "Minty, may I be your boyfriend?"

The words hung in the air, and the rose garden seemed to hold its breath, waiting for Minty's response. The echoes of their shared journey, the snowy streets transformed into a garden of blossoms, reflected the beauty of the moment.

Minty, feeling a flutter in her chest, met Dominik's gaze. "Yes, Dom. I'd like that very much."

In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of blooming roses and the gentle fragrance of the garden, Minty and Dominik sealed their connection. The transition from friends to something more was marked by a simple question and a heartfelt response, the garden witnessing the birth of a new chapter in their evolving story.

As they settled into the warmth of the picnic setup, the sun casting a golden glow over the scene, the snowy streets of Liverpool seemed a distant memory. In their place, a garden of love unfolded, petals unfurling in tandem with the burgeoning emotions between Minty and Dominik—a story written in the language of blossoming romance.

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