Christmas Light Shows

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Castiel had never been to a Christmas Light show. And Dean didn't get to go to any when he was a kid.

"So, Cas," Dean said, walking into the library. "Let's go out and do something." Cas shut the book he was reading. "Go out? And do what?"

"Well," Sam said, also walking into the library. "There's a Christmas Light show tonight. Why don't you and Dean go?" Cas tilted his head. "You don't want to go with us?" Sam shook his head. "No, I already have plans with Eileen. I'm going over to her house to watch movies."

"Oh," Cas said. "Sure. I've never been to one before. This should be fun."

Castiel got up to go get his trench coat. 

"Dude," Dean said after the angel was gone. "What are you doing? You don't have plans with Eileen tonight." Sam smiled. "I know, but I thought this would be a great opportunity for you to tell Cas how you feel. Ti's the season, you know?" Cas had returned with the keys to the Impala in his hand. "Ready to go?" Dean nodded. "Yeah, let's go."


The drive to the light show wasn't very long. The entire way there they talked about holidays and what it was like for Sam and Dean growing up. 

"One time," Dean started. "Our dad promised us that he would be back from his 'job' in time for Christmas. When he didn't show up, Sam started to ask questions. He didn't know that our dad was a hunter yet, and he begged me to tell him where our dad was." Cas frowned. "Did you?" Dean nodded and sighed. "I didn't have a choice. Sam found Dad's journal that had all the details about hunting. I had gone out to go get some snacks and when I came back, Sam asked me about everything. He cried when I told him the truth. He ended up being so mad that he took a nap.

"While he was sleeping, I went and stole some presents." Dean chuckled. "I told him that they were from Dad, and one of them was a Barbie doll." Cas smiled. "But, then he gave me that amulet," Dean said, feeling around his neck for the charm that was no longer there. "He was supposed to give it to Dad, but gave it to me instead." 

"Well," Cas said with a smile. "It seems like you and Sam had some weird holidays together." Dean scoffed and nodded. "I'm just glad I'm sharing this one with you." Dean took the angel's hand. "How long are we gonna keep this from Sam?" Cas asked. "I don't know," Dean said, shrugging. "I think it's funny that he doesn't know." Cas pressed a soft kiss to Dean's lips. "I don't want to be in private anymore." Dean sighed. "I get it. But I don't think I want everyone's eyes on me yet." 

They arrived at the light show. "Tickets, please," a lady said as they pulled up to her. "Thank you. Go on ahead." The two of them held hands as they watched the beautiful lit trees fly past them. Cas' mouth was slightly open for basically the whole night. 

After the show, they stopped at a diner for dessert. "Cas," Dean said. The angel looked up "I'll do my best to tell him. I will." Cas smiled softly. "I don't mean to rush you," he said. "I just want you to know that it's okay to love people who are the same as you and you don't have to be ashamed. And if you're ready to tell Sam, then so am I. And, if you're not, that's fine too." Dean put his hand out on the table, and Cas slid his in. "I love you, Dean Winchester. Whether you're ready or not."


sorry for the short story

im really tired and im pushing this one out really fast lol

i did some holiday shopping today and im pooped

i'm just gonna watch some spongebob and call it a night

Bug <3

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