The Fight

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I am seeing a fight that's very interesting. The two Erudites are facing each other. The taller one is named Eric and the other is David. David has a strange staff this has two ends that are curved the opposite ways. Eric, on the other hand, has a 5 foot sword swinging around.

Eric jabs at David but David quickly jumped back. He takes his staff swigs it at Eric's legs. Eric falls on his back and I see the large cuts on his legs bleeding. David grabs one of the knife and walks up to him. I run into the fight and grab the knife from him.

I take it and slide under his legs. Then I stab him in the back and say "Now you guys are even. " I grab his fan like weapon. It's like Kitana's fan blades from mortal kombat. I see a target and see that I can fold the fan into one blade. There are two glowing balls with black strings. I press them down into each other and the fans open up. So I set up and throw the fan and press the balls. It stabs into the head and spreads open of a target.The whole thing is cut off when it opens up, so I decided that I leave this one.

We all finished our station and went to our rooms. Mine is the penthouse because I am the last faction and boy is it pretty. Of corse Luke is here too. Something might go down tonight here. " God. I'm starving, want some food?" Luke questions me " Sure, I would love that." He brings in some fizzing iridescent magenta liquid in champagne glasses as well as some fillet mignon. " Thanks Luke! God I am so happy that we are together and that I'm not stuck with one of those abnegation freaks." We both laugh. "Ya well maybe after we eat we can..uhhhh..go back to my room?" "Sure" I drink the " champagne " and I only ate like half off it. On the other hand, Luke ate the complete thing maybe even the bones!! He leads me towards his room and  I lay down on his bed. I ask " So want to play a game" " Sure"  "Ok let's play a game of strip never have I ever" " Uhh... Weird but ok I'm down!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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