Chapter 4

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The next 3 years would come and go as time would fly by as every 6 months Mothra would also return to the secret chamber once the coast is clear and would look at the progress her king was making cause even with this crystal giving him the energy he needs to recover and retain his new look and form it would have taken years at least 70 years at most a few million

But Izuku had gone above and beyond in his recovery far beyond anything she thought possible as Mothra has visted him a total of 5 times now and the year was coming to an end soon her king was going to be ready to come out and join by her side once again for over 140 million years she was alone from her king when he died

But now he was back in a diffrent body sure and with seeminly no memories or at least none that he asked about yet but it was him she can feel his presence this was him she was just so relived that her ritual had worked

Now she was currently at the beach looking over the waves as the gently cradle onto the sand as its just so peaceful here as this very island is the kind of future any real hero aspires to achieve as she would take in a deep breath in and out

Then she felt it a pulse of energy coming from behind her and deep in the island as the surge of energy was huge as she couldnt help but smile as she would turn around to look at the large forrest and mountains that made up her island

Mothra-'*So you are finally awake my king come break out of your shell come to me my king! Join my side once more for you have returned!*'

On the nearby vessel of Monarch that was on standby to keep tabs on Mothra all was quiet and normal as the 4 years have come and now they are waiting for this king of hers to show up

They had to know what they are possibly dealing with since Mothra had refused to tell him just what does her king look like and any attempt to follow her since she always goes somewhere when they are gone was also a failure with even the fairy twins threatening them with their bows not to try and follow their queen

So they did what other choice was their as violence is a no go due to the valuable knowledge, the tribes, the fairy twins, Mothra and the possibility of unknown King king being here which can result in lossing too much and Monarch couldn't afford to become enemy's with the goddess of the earth and have another organisation or even the government have their hands on this island as it would likely result in an extermination attempt

So for the past 3 years they have being studying this island while also keeping tabs on their containments across the globe of the sleeping kaiju just incase that if this king wakes up that might cause the other Titans to wake up as well which would spell disaster for the world at large

But for now they just kept close tabs of any possible location that might yeild a high enough amount of energy to heal a Titan within 4 years also with Mothras island been observed but so far nonthing

For Inko and Hisashi the 2 of them still couldn't find their son and while its very likely the worse has happened their minds didnt want to believe it and perhapes their more stubborn human nature is keeping them from completely calling off search but they are not here right now

As inside the ship Serizawa was currently in his office with a fly buzzing about as he allowed the fly to get in as it was to serve as a test for him cause after this test whatever he chooses will be final

As he sighs before focusing on the annoying insect that was flying nearby looking for a place to land on the man and with a sudden wave of his hand to shoo the fly away Serizawa would activate his quirk

And the fly would instantly drop dead even though he never touched the fly as he would look at his hand then at both of them before clenching them into fists yes it was about time he got rid of this quirk

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