Chapter 3

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The next day would come for the heros as they are on the ship vessel owned by Monarch as they would find themselves in quarantine like zones as they are in very protective gear as to avoid any possible contact of the 3 heros as they are keeping watch and looking over their test results after making contact with Mothra

Serizawa-'How are they looking?'

Scientists-'So far the results are intresting as none of them have been afflicted with radiation its just as you said Mothras human form allows her to make contact with humans without causing them any radiation sickness so Aizawa is clear'

Scientist-'Hawks is still recovering from the Paralysing Venom that Mothra had injected into him though his wings which had a ton of nerve points and with how potent the venom is he will likely be able to move by tomorrow and gain full control of his wings in another day since Mothra only injected a small dose into him'

Scientist-'As for All-Might it is just incredible as Mothras healing capabilities truely are somthing to marvel at as every injury he has sustained along with his stomach and lung have all grown back he has never been more healthy'

Serizawa-'Which means All-Might will not have to be worried about his time limit and can perform at a far greater capacity then ever before it will be like he was in his prime'

Scientist-'Exactly but what should we do about Hawks he was aiming to kill Mothra'

Serizawa-'Regrettably their is nonthing we can do as we have no proof that wont expose us having inside men in the Commission and Mothra had ended the battle quickly to keep Hawks intentions hidden to avoid unnecessary conflict so the only real thing we can do is send him back to his masters though i doubt they will be happy with his failure in his mission so we will allow them to deal with Hawks'


Serizawa-'and we still have the problem with Inko and Hisashi's missing son'

Scientist-'Wasn't their son meant to be a new member for Monarch?'

Serizawa-'Yes and they claim he is incredibly smart and would help us with breakthroughs in understanding the kaiju as despite what his records might say his school was rather anti quirkless'

Scientist-'I am not surprised with how brain washed everyone is over quirks and being heros that such discrimination would occure'

Serizawa-'Our job is never easy and this world certainly doesnt help for why should they care about a quirkless when being strong and flashy only matters tsk it wont save you from everything'

Scientist-'Not only do we have that on our plate our recent discovery that Mothra has a mate or a king as she referred to him as is hidden somewhere in this world we will have to worry about them possibly reproducing offspring'

Serizawa would sigh heavily as he lowered his head to think this over as so much is happening ontop of their normal duties of their outposts and discoverys

Serizawa-'Your right that is somthing that needs to be taken care of its 1 thing to hide a kaiju from the super hero public like this its another to also handle with possible offspring which leaves us little room if any at all to help Inko and Hisashi'

As Serizawa hated that he could barely help those 2 but the importance of the kaiju are a top priority infact those 2 knew how important it was as well when they joined up with Monarch as Serizawa would take a deep breath in and out

Serizawa-'Ok here is the current plan we take the 3 heros back to the mainland while we have the heros return back we will dispatch a small unit squad to look for the child while the rest of us will focus on locating this king after all she said he was in recovery which would mean a fight has happened tell me has any of the containments suffered a breach?'

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