Iron dad

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I have seen a lot of Iron Dad stuff on the internet and read plenty on headcannons about what it would be like if Tony hadn't died.

Well, since I sobbed uncontrollably because Peter lost another dad, I'm writing this to fix part of the empty void in my heart.

I apologize in advance for the weird writing style and grammar. This is Peter making an audio recording, and I want it to feel like he's actually talking.

Peter's POV

So, you know if you have a fan on your roof and dust gets in the blades? I became that dust for like five years. Miss Pepper wants me to log all of what I remember in F.R.I.D.A.Y.S system so I don't get nightmares.

Okay, here we go.

The last thing I remember from the giant Thanos planet was hugging Mr. Stark, and then it was all black. It wasn't like that for long. It only felt like a few seconds before I snapped back and I was whole again. Except, Mr Stark wasn't there. Or the girl who was all blue.

Sorry, I can't remember the names.

Then, Mr. Strange, the wizard guy (he's really cool) came back too and was like, "It's been five years, let's go!" And opened a portal thing before I really had time to process what he said. 

Star Lord, whose name is also Peter I think, gathered up all of his friends and charged through the portal. Then, I swung through and we were back on Earth, but it was all smokey and there were aliens everywhere, right, and there was Mr. Rodgers all beat up trying to fight a whole bunch of aliens.

Wow, I'm out of breath now. It's because my ribs are all bruised still. Oh wait, F.R.I.D.A.Y, can you cut that out?

Cool! Thanks.

Anyway, a whole bunch of people from Wakanda and a ton of wizards came through more portals, and there was a lady on a flying horse and even Pepper was zooming around in an Iron man suit.

Then, I saw Mr. Stark being tackled under all these alien dudes, and I was like 'oh no!' and I swung in all heroically to save him.

I think I said, "Hey Mr. Stark! do you remember when I got all dusty when Thanos snapped? dr. strange said it's been like five years and he opened a portal thingy, and... what are you doing?"

I said that because Mr Stark just like randomly hugged me, and I was all, "this is nice," Because I did not know what to do. 

Then it got really crazy. Everyone had to work together to keep the crayola rocks away from Thanos so he wouldn't snap again, and then Mr. Stark grabbed the stones off Thanos's golden glove and everything slowed down because mr. Hulk was all injured from bringing us all back and mr stark is smaller.

But when he snapped and Thanos and his army disappeared, Mr. Stark leaned against a piece of the building and almost died.

But, Mr. Thor picked him up and flew him to the hospital with his scary axe, which mr. Steve can pick up now.

Fast forward a few days, and I'm recording this in the waiting room of the hospital because Mr.Stark can get visitors now.

Wait, F.R.I.D.A.Y, can you tell i'm a little nervous?

Omg, you can. Okay. Maybe I should try meditating like my aunt May. You really think so F.R.I.D.A.Y? Thanks.

Oh my gosh. I can go innn.

Ill tell more later i gotta go see mr. stark!


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I WILL be writing more Iron dad stuff I need it its good for the soul.

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