♾️The Infinity Class ♾️

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Good evening, everyone! How long has it been? A month or so? Wow, I gotta get to work on the rest of the designs 😅

Anyway, I'm back with the now official redesigns of the Infinity Class! In this version, they're not a preschool class but more of an early kindergarten class (as the pre-k class is in a school of various grades and such). These guys are around 6-7 years old, and the others (especially Lightbulb) are great friends with them and admire them (not just the height difference).

Also, I am struggling to decide which class I should do next; if any of y'all have any ideas, I'd be glad to hear them!

With that out of the way, let's meet the kiddies!

With that out of the way, let's meet the kiddies!

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Full class picture!

Haybale (6), Bandana (6), Kumquat (7), and Frank (7)!

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Haybale (6), Bandana (6), Kumquat (7), and Frank (7)!

Haybale "Hayley" Brandell: A rootin' tootin' cowgirl who loves pretending to be a sheriff in the wild west! She's easily excitable, has an explosive personailty, and loves having fun with her friends, but she can be a little rough with younger children on accident. Her cowgirl spirit remain diligent as she is often seen riding a hobby-horse, wearing a fake-gold star, and her noticable Southren accent. She lives on a farm with her aunt and uncle and loves the animals they take care of. 

Bandana Paisley: Ahoy maties! Captain Bandana here to sail the seven seas in search of buried treasure!  Though a bit rusty and reckless, nothing will stop her from seeking out fun and adventure with her best-friend, Haybale. Her love for pirates and boats goes back to her outfit; even if many mistake her for a boy, she enjoys thatmisconception as a true pirate fan knows many female pirates disguised themselves as men. Despite her defense of being a pirate, her family lives on land and in an apartment complex. 

Kumquat Japonica-Lycheen: No one can laugh at any joke like this young fellow, even if it isn't even close to one! The son of two chill surfers, Kumquat loves making new friends and enjoying their company,even if he sometimes invades personal boundries (since he can be a chatterbox). But, if you need someone to make you feel better and or laugh, he's your go-to guy! 

Franklin "Frank" Frankley: The oldest of the Infinity Kids: the others look up to him like how one would admire their older brother; braver, wiser, and deems anyone "cool". Despite not saying much, his kindess and compassion to his friends needs no words to explain the limits he goes to. He's so cool that he can ride a two wheeler... without training wheels. His cool parents own a small cornerstore that the kids often hang out at. 

Black Hole (6 billion lightyears), Thermos (7), and Barrel (6 ½)!

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Black Hole (6 billion lightyears), Thermos (7), and Barrel (6 ½)!

Black Hole Astraios: Mr. Dark Abyss. The younger, more mysterious younger brother of Black Hole. Being the somewhat immortal son of the literal Orion Nebula and an alien goddess talk-show star named Twinkle, young B.H is practically a god that doesn't know the full potential of his limitless reality warping powers; if he can think it, he can make it. Despite being the type to play tricks and being needy for attention (since his parents are pretty busy with their jobs maintaining the universe's structure to not collapse in on itself), he tries to be friendly with others and usues his powers to make gifts for them. (also, he does has two forms, but prefers his "non-human form" because the others think it's adorable and he hates people calling him cute). 

Thermos DeWar: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-- oh wait, nevermind! Thermos might be the type to get scared easily, scratch that super easily, but he still likes to join in with his friends to play games; even if he's pretty hyperactive and has trouble staying still for long periods of time. He has a fear of black holes and being sucked into one, but B.H tries his best to make a good impression and not scare him away (ie: giving Thermos his stuff bunny, Bun-Bun, to help him calm down when he is having a panic attack).

Barrel Lumberyard: Not much is known about this boy; he just showed up on his parents front porch wearing nothing but a barrel. He hasn't said a word to his folks, which makes them worry a lot. He also has a habit of accidentlly scaring others by creeping up on them and startling them from how quiet he is. 

Shell (6) and the Traffic Light Triplets (6)!

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Shell (6) and the Traffic Light Triplets (6)!

Shell Nanami: Despite being blind and having a naive perspective on life, young Shell always sees the good in everything around him. Although, he has a hard time understanding if someone is being sarcastic or being rude to him and mistakes it as them wanting to be friends with him. However, he loves splashing at the beach with Lightbulb and visiting his parents' at the aquarium.

Rory, Blaine, and Everest Semaphoreman: Three heads are better than one, right? The three triplets are usally seen stacked on each other's shoulders and wearing their mother's trenchcoat and floppy hat to school everyday to seem "more adult and important". Except their personailites differ from each other; Rory has a habit of getting angry at small things and easy to upset, Blaine is very mellow and apathetic, and Everest is happy-go-lucky! The three balance each other out through various struggles and challenges in their life; no matter how much they fight, they can't stand being apart or on each others' shoulders for a day. 

And tada!! There's the Infinty class; all adorably-weird and quirky in their own unique ways! Couldn't have them any other way! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and more will come soon, once I get some motivation and rest!

Bye bye, my little jelly beans!


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