My life has tumbled apart

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Entering the living room, I could see that my mum was sitting on the couch talking to a.....a...what?

Ok bear with me here.The horse was not a horse.Well it was half a horse.The horse was a centaur. A male one to be exact. Who was wearing a suit. Who was also talking to my moms. Who was standing on the floor of a hotel.

I  stood in the doorway dumbfounded looking at my mothers because what the hell was happening here??? They had not noticed me hovering only a few metres away from them, deeply engrossed in their conversation. Wondering if I should make a break for it or fight the centaur. Ok maybe fighting a centaur was not the best idea. That didn't exactly stop my brain from thinking of how to fight a centaur anyways. I doubt throwing a broomstick would work. Though maybe throwing the fire extinguisher could work.

Over all this, my mind was still reeling over the fact that there was a centaur in front me. A HALF HORSE HALF HUMAN. Maybe this was just a dream. Maybe I'd  wake up soon. Yeah that's probably it. It's a dream. And when I wake up both my moms will be there. My mumma will chide me for always waking up late. And then I'd laugh it off and go back to sleep.

"ELEANOR? YOU'RE AWAKE?" moms voice cried out breaking my rambling thoughts. She looked put it nicely frazzled. Her usually neatly plaited black hair was undone and was settled in a messy curtain around her shoulders. Her dress was crumpled and she was fiddling around nervously with a pillow. 

"I- What's going on?And is that a centaur your talking to??" I gestured towards the centaur, who was staring at me with an odd expression on his face. 

" Elina darling..sit down please. We'll explain everything in a moment" My mumma said patting the space on the sofa beside her. I sat down stiffly beside her, still unsure if this was all real or was just in my head. 

"Mom what's going on. What's happening here" I pleaded wanting answers. 

" Honey. It's about your uh biological parents." She said looking directly at me. 

I stared at her in shock. I know I'm adopted and that my biological parents gave me up to them when I was just a baby. Knowing about who my birth parents wasn't something I was terribly interested in so we never discussed about it. To bring it up know was just...weird.

"They're or well she is not your typical parent" Mom started but them she hesitated shaking her head as if confused in what to say next. I leaned towards her, nodding  my head expecting her to go on. She suddenly stood up straight and spoke directly to the centaur who was sitting quietly the entire time.

"Chiron I think it's best if you tell her."

I looked towards the centaur who I had now decided was real and not a figment of my imagination with a confused expression etched on my face. What the heck was going on?

Chiron drew in a deep breath as he stared towards me with a piercing look. One that I thought was carved right into the depths of my soul. Then he said the most absurd thing imaginable. 

"My dear child you are a Demigod"

"I'm a what" 

"Half Greek god Half human. You're not safe here anymore. Monsters are on the search for here. And I fear they are already here" He ended with a somber note. 

" Is- Is this true??" I asked my mums who both nodded grimly. I stared at the floor in shock this was not how I thought my Monday morning was going to go. Then

"Wait. They're real. The Greek gods- they're not stories. They're real?" I asked wanting one of my moms to yell gotcha and then tell me that the centaur was just a person in a body suit. Though how that would be possible I don't know. Just anything to prove that this situation is not true. Instead they just nod grimly.

"Elina. The Greek gods- Aphrodite, Hermes, Zeus. They're all real and they have kids of their own. Half-bloods we call them." Chiron then paused looking around with a worried expression on his face, pacing around. 

Then his face whitened. 

They're here. He muttered 

And with that all that lights in the hotel went off. It was pitch dark. 

I shot up from the sofa and ran towards where Chiron was standing. Something was off. I can't  tell you what it was specifically. It's was more of a feeling. You know that feeling you get before something really bad happens. And you just know that it's going to happen seconds before it actually happens? It was that.

My mumma panicked and cried out my name when she realised that she couldn't feel me one the couch. 



She tensed her shoulders and stood up my other mother fallowing her. 

"What's going on" I muttered but it was more of a questions to myself rather then anyone else. My each and every one of my muscles were tense, preparing for well..I don't know what exactly. But probably something bad.

Then they entered the room. Hundreds and hundreds of ...spirits? I didn't know what to call them. I knew they were made of shadows... though how I know that, I have no idea and that they were all around us. 

Especially me. I also knew that they wanted to tell me about something. What it was,  I didn't know and didn't want to find out.

But that wasn't the the worst part, they kept on the circling around me whispering. Their voices were in my head and they kept on repeating one thing and one thing only. 

You're one of us. 

Over and over and over again. The spirits voices kept getting louder and louder forcing me to clamp my hands over my ears as if that would do anything. The shadow spirits that were now forming a tight cacoon around me had noticeably bright  diamond eyes. But that was their entire anatomy.

 Shadow, eyes and a voice. That's it. That was what they were.

It felt like hours with them inside my head. Hours of endless screaming.

You're one of us. You're one of us. You're one of us. YOU'RE ONE OF US, YOU'RE ONE OF US.YOU HAVE TO HELP

Again and again and Again. Why where they screaming so much! STOP JUST STOP.

I couldn't take it anymore.

"GO AWAY" I screamed, trying to will them away from me. Then suddenly they disappeared as if they were never there in the first place and the lights went back on. 

"W-what happened" I stuttered. 

"You chased them away" Chiron said his bright blue eyes boring into mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17 ⏰

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