My parents are friends with a centaur

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The world didn't end with a bang or a whisper instead it ended with one scream of joy at a time. Welcome to the story of the Ethereals. 



Oh great my alarm went off. 

I woke up on my bed, yawning loudly as I reached wildly for my alarm which was kept on the shelf near my bed. I got up still in dream land, stretching and cracking my joints in all the places that they can be cracked. Getting up in the morning was always such a chore. 

I stumbled out of my comfy haven of peace trying to coordinate my legs in order to get to the bathroom. Everyday my morning routine was the same. Try to make myself look presentable in this potato sack of a body. Brushing my hair, teeth, washing my face etc etc. 

Feeling slightly better, I looked around  the hotel room to see my parents were not in the room. Now this begs the question if I want to go find them or not. So on one hand the hotel room is warm and cozy and going outside will mean freezing to death. On the other  hand I want food and I don't want to order on the phone to get the food. On the other other hand I don't want to stay in the room any longer than I have to. 

Option go find my parents it is.

Staying in hotels so often, ordering food, travelling around should've been considered fun...but I was sick and tired of it. I want to say in one place and be normal and make friends that actually stuck with me.

Me and my parents have been staying in hotel rooms like a lot these past few years. Always moving from one part of the city to the next. Whenever I asked my mom Sonya about this, she would always look tense and frightened as if the answer was not something she wanted to tell me. Then she would explain to me in a hushed voice that my parents had got a hold of the situation and to not ask this question again. That wasn't really an answer but eventually I stopped asking.

Now you may think I am crazy after I tell you my  reason to all this is happening. Well it's not really a reason. It's more of a hunch. See I always been seeing these weird..what? Creatures? around. Sometimes a woman with snake trunks for legs or a person with one eye plastered in the middle of his forehead. Every single time I would point them out, we would change hotels.

 I haven't asked my parents  about this. Not yet. I don't think I'm ready for whatever the answer may be. And if it's the same we've got a hold of the situation. I might just break down.

Pulling my brown fur jacket on, I headed out the hotel room. Stuffing my hands in the coat pockets as I walked quickly towards the lobby of the second floor  to see if my parents were there. When I got there I expected to see my parents chatting with each  other over a cup of coffee and biscuits.

Instead I found both my moms in a heavy discussion with a guy that was half human half horse.

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