My dumbass brain cooked this up at some point

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This is the lore for my Hollow Knight OC, Yten so far :3

This is the lore for my Hollow Knight OC, Yten so far :3

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They like making maps and yes, they are a vessel. 

They got dumped in the abyss a little bit before the Radiance infection happened and by chance they had gotten out of the abyss and traveled to dirtmouth, meeting Elder Bug and Iselda before venturing down the well and shortly after, meeting Cornifer, when they got their nail is unknown to me. 

They liked listening to Cornifer's stories about his wife and his beloved maps and that's when they realized that they loved maps and wanted to make some of their own (their pronouns are they/them btw)

They took lessons from Cornifer about making maps and decided to make their first one about the crossroads, having a few run-ins with infected bugs and gathering geo to where they returned to Dirtmouth and bought their first charm from Iselda, the wayward compass (the one on their scarf-looking-thing)

In their journeys to map Hallownest they met Maia, immediately being friends with her but being unable to speak all they could do was listen.

At one point not long after this they learned the basics of sign language (not canon in Hollow Knight official canon as far as I know but I watch Hollowtale videos so that's where I got that from) and used that to communicate with others, more specifically Cornifer, considering him a sort of father figure at this point.

Then, when they had gone back to the spot where they usually saw Cornifer after another venture into the Crossroads, they saw that Cornifer had left the spot where they usually met up on the Crossroads. 

Heartbroken, they chose to continue their journey to map out Hallownest and they eventually made it to Greenpath, which had been mysteriously cleared (unknowingly to them, by Ghost, the player). As they continued moving around through Greenpath they saw Cornifer again and started to describe to him in sign language everything that they had seen on their journeys.

They had told him about the aspids and the mysterious large bug corpses  and everything else that they had seen.

 Cornifer was impressed by Yten's sign language and how talkative they were now, not forgetting how they were when he had first met them.

Cornifer chuckled occasionally and told Yten of his own travels, mentioning Ghost to them and breifly mentioning Hornet, only saying that he had tried to say hello but she left without saying a word. 

Yten was fascinated and wanted to meet Ghost, staying near Cornifer for a little bit and then leaving to continue their own journey.

That's all I have so far, since I can't get past the Hornet boss fight at the moment. I love the story I came up with for them and if you want, I'd be interested in seeing someone make art of Yten and Cornifer together making maps or telling stories!

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