Dares and a new friend

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Me: hey ninjas

Turtles: hey

Me: guess what

Mikey: PIZZA

Me: no but even better

Mikey: oh. Then what is it?

Me: a new friend.

Leo: what? Rose, this is a secret lair. Don't you understand the secret?

Me: whatever, lame-o-nardo

Leo: wait who told you that

Me: you know who

Leo: Raph *shots a glare*

Raph: *rolls eyes*

Donnie: would you two stop it and let rose do this

Me: thank you. Now like I was saying, please welcome Aprilxcasey12 aka Kayla

Kayla: hi.

Leo, Raph, Donnie: hey

Mikey: Hey Kayla * blushes*

Kayla: *sees Mikey and blush* hey

Me: okay Kayla. This is Leo, Raph,  Donnie and Mikey

Kayla: nice to meet you all. Wait can I say the truth to Leo

Me: sure

Kayla: Leo, do you love Karai?

Leo: what is she saying *blushes*

Raph: come on Leo tell us

Leo: *sigh* well I used to until I find out that she's shredders daughter and then now she's our sister so I'm glad that she's my sister.

Me: okay and here's a dare from FalloutNatalie
I dare everyone to fill Raphaelś whole room with roaches, no space heroes, Donnie can't go in the lab and no video games for 8 chapters. I WILL BE BACK

Turtles: nooooooooooo

Leo: no space heroes

Raph: roaches in my room

Donnie: no lab

Mikey: no video games

Turtles: *faint*

Me: we'll come on and fill Raph room with roaches, hide space heroes and video games and lock the lab.


( left to do everything)

Me: done

Kayla: yep

Me: so send truth Or dares in comments

Me and Kayla: bye ninjas

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