Solver Hero-Episode 1: Piolet

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I just got transferred from the school in the colony to one of the schools on the surface and it was actually a good day. The other Worker Drones in the colony don't get outside much and that's because of the push back. I honestly don't know what's going through that schools head but I'm glad that I don't have to do homework for a five year old. I actually made a sick as hell railgun with my little sister and I'm planning on using it during the schools entrance exam. Nothing to bad really happens if I meet the nice humans, they just look scared and try to avoid me but the more serious people sometimes attack me. I walked into the building and mostly everyone looks scared, but others stared at me with a stern look. I'm actually smaller than the average human being only 4'2 and as you can imagine it's kinda scary for me. After a written test we were brought to a city and we were told to destroy the robot villains, whatever that means.

???: Okay, start!

I looked at were the voice was coming from and saw a guy with some weird hair style.

???: What's wrong? There's no countdown in a real fight! Run, run! The die has been cast, you know!

Y/n: Huh? Guess I better get s--

I looked back and saw everyone else was already running into the city and I did the same thing.

Y/n: I should've seen that one coming!

I ran deeper into the city and saw a big group of 2 point robots.

Y/n: This'll be a piece of cake! One shot and they're toast!

I grabbed the railgun off my back and flipped the switch to turn it on.

Y/n: Hahaha! It's time for some fireworks!

2 point robot: Target locked on!

The robot swung it's mechanical tail at me and I moved back, but the impact made me drop the railgun. I was falling and did a backflip before landing and doing a fighting pose.

Y/n: Huh? Guess pirating all that anime wasn't useless after all.

I dodged another tail swing and started running away from it, but a 1 point robot got infront of me. It managed to hit me and I rolled back into a lamp post which was where the railgun landed. I looked back and saw them both coming at me, so I picked up the gun and pointed at them.

Y/n: Bite me!

I pulled the trigger and a massive green beam shot out of the railgun pushing me back a bit. I looked at the robots and they were blown to bits. I looked at the now red railgun with steam coming off of it.

Y/n: Holy hell... Suck on that dad!

I heard more robots coming my way and I stood up holding the railgun.

Y/n: That doesn't sound good! I better get to runnin'!

I started running away from the sounds and managed to dodge some robots. I even managed to make some destroy each other and now I'm at 40 points.

Y/n: This is good. Just a little more and I'm golden.

I started looking for more robots but couldn't find any that weren't broken and I felt the ground shake as a massive 0 point robot appeared.

Y/n: That things humongous...

The 0 point robot slammed its fist into the ground and destroyed a part of the city. I watched as the other participants started running away and I was shaking.

Y/n: I don't get anything for taking this robot down. I can't even do damage and my railgun is still--

Girl: Owww!

Solver Hero (male reader x My Hero Academia)Where stories live. Discover now