Fallen Moon (T)

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Big sorry, BIG sorry for how long this took, but here it is:

Fallen Moon written by Moon_G0ddess

Fallen Moon written by Moon_G0ddess

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i. Title & cover

I LOVE this cover. While it would make sense to me to have a moon on the cover, I also try not to put too much emphasis and stress on covers and titles without having the full story read. Either way, this cover captures my attention with professionalism, colour and size. Send your designer my way, I beg of you.

In terms of the title, I don't have any problem with it. Connects to the blurb, nice and short, interesting.

ii. Blurb

I've never liked dialogue at the beginning of blurbs. I think it takes up a lot of words without summarizing much and doesn't make good use of the precious space you have to capture a reader's attention. That being said, yours is pretty good, introduces us to a little bit of the story and is well-written. I'd still advise taking it out or putting it at the end, but I'm not as sure about yours as I usually would be regarding this aspect. 

The rest of the blurb summarizes what we're dealing with pretty well. The main thing I'd edit is the overuse of the word 'promise'. While I suspect that's an important part of the story, it's said a few too many times, especially at the beginning of the blurb. There are a lot of areas in this blurb that can be condensed and shortened so more relevant info can be inserted. Some repeated words, some redundant areas, etc, can be looked at again to make this summary a little smoother. 

My last point here is that the blurb is very general. We see Celein, her sister and then some very overarching roles and themes. When we generalize a fantasy book to that extent, it starts to sound a lot like other fantasy books. I would take another look at what makes your book unique and try to incorporate it into the blurb to set this book (and therefore blurb) apart from others!

1 2 / 1 5

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