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Chapter 1

I laid awake trying not to make a single sound. The room was utterly dark and silent aside from the small sounds of wind from outside. I stared up at the stark white ceiling in my foster parents' house waiting for some sort of signal that they were asleep. I could hear the heavy sounds of John's footsteps as he climbed the stairs. I could picture his eyelids growing heavy, nearly shut as he shuffled past my door. I glanced over at the clock, barely able to make out the time.

2 am.

The lights in the hallway clicked off, and the long fingers of light that had snaked their way underneath my door disappeared. I could feel my heartbeat speed up as the darkness surrounded me, feeding on my fear. Ever since the night my parents' lives were taken, I couldn't stand to be alone in the dark. My phone buzzed from where it sat on the bed next to me. I let my fingers crawl across the sheet, feeling around for the hard casing of the phone. I answered the incoming call, lifted it to my ear, and laid still, listening to the soft sounds of breathing as the call connected. 

"Harry, is that you?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. I could picture him turning over in bed, his long curls flopping over his forehead as loud sounds of shuffling echoed through the phone.

"Yeah," he answered finally, his voice deep and raspy as if he'd just woken up. I could feel warm tingles go up my spine. "Are you coming out?" I nodded before I realized that I hadn't said anything.

"Yeah, but John just went to sleep," I said, trying to keep quiet. "It'll be a little bit." I rolled over on my side and pushed myself upright, letting my legs dangle over the edge of the bed as I talked.

"Okay," Harry responded. "Give me a call when you leave. I've got to go, Louis is coming!" Before I had a chance to say anything in return, the line went dead. I couldn't wait to meet Harry at the park, he said he had some big news for me. I remembered when he told me he was going to audition for the X-Factor, but he never told me what happened, and I'd missed the episode on the telly. I slowly stood up off the bed. The old frame squealed and groaned as I removed my weight. I silently picked my way to the closet, trying to avoid the floorboards that creaked. I felt around in the darkness finally finding the doorway to the closet. I waved my hands around feeling for the shelf that had my jeans on it. My hand grazed the edge of the pants, and I quickly slipped into them. I felt around, eventually coming across a heavy sweater and ripping it off the hanger. I pulled it over my head before I grabbed the blanket rope that I'd spent the afternoon making. I tiptoed out of the closet and made my way to the bed once more. I lifted one of the legs up and set the knotted blanket underneath before tugging on it to make sure it would hold my weight. When I was satisfied, I walked over to the window. For a moment I just stood there, contemplating if this was a good idea while I stared into the night sky. The stars twinkled brightly, adding to the light reflected by the moon. I flipped the latch on the windowsill and shoved it open.

"You can do this," I said, trying to psych myself up for the daring escape. I threw the rope out the window in front of myself before carefully putting one leg out the window. I slipped the other leg out before sliding the rest of my body through the small opening.

"Don't fall, don't fall," I coached myself as I stood on the steep edge of the roof trying to keep my balance. I tugged on the rope again, this time feeling it give slightly. I decided I would still try it anyway. I sat down just above the gutter and wrapped my legs around the end of the blanket tightly. Taking a deep breath, I pushed myself off the roof. The blankets swung wildly back and forth as I struggled to keep ahold of it without falling. I slowly inched my way down the blanket trying not to fall. I got within five feet of the ground before I could feel my feet beginning to slip away. My shoe finally came off my foot, and I was forced to try to keep ahold of the silken blanket with only my sock. I couldn't hold on, and I lost my grip on the blanket, hanging now by only my arms.  I held on, trying to inch down a little farther, but failed and fell, tumbling into the flowerbed. I'm going to have a tough time getting back in later, I thought to myself. Jenny's going to kill me. I looked down at the broken mess of tulips that I'd created. I accepted my fate and finally shoved my foot back into my shoe before running off into the night.

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