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—I want to keep you safe in my arms

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—I want to keep you safe in my arms.


Y/N'S POV ::

The cold breeze hit my face as I scrunched up my nose right after coming out of the huge building. "Hey y/n, what are you doing here?" A woman yelled out. "Uh.. just leaving.." I mumbled while passing a smile to her. She nodded before leaving. I sighed out before staring back at the building or my workplace to be more precise about it.

Yes , now I am an architect engineer.

A lot has happened in the span of one year. Jimin made me retake the exams, he had his people in the education system who helped me a lot during the preparation and not to mention, Jungkook somehow ended up becoming my tutor. It was tough but I did it and then started working after getting a job.

I joined recently though, like a month  ago. It's strange how and where your life can take you. My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden sound of a car honk. I turned around to see a familiar black Porsche waiting for me. My lips curved up in an instant smile. 

"You're here?" I let out a squeal, watching Jimin roll down the window glass. "Get in or you'll catch a cold." He muttered, opening the door for me as I slid over the passenger seat. The car was warm. I instantly relaxed in the familiar environment. "I thought you wouldn't make it in time." I mumbled, trying to tie the seat belt. Watching me struggle with it so much, Jimin sighed and did it for myself.

"Thanks." I mumbled, passing him a smile. He suddenly held my face in the palm of his hands and pressed his lips against my forehead. I melted at that. Being a sucker for his forehead kisses, it was like a reward for me.  "How can I not be here?" He asked, starting the engine. I let out a hum. "True that.." I mumbled, a sudden sad feeling enveloping me. 

I let out a sigh, placing my head on Jimin's shoulder as he kept his focus on the road. "You okay?" He asked. "Just a bit tired." I replied shortly, shutting my eyes for a minute before exhaling out a breath. Few minutes later the car halted. I could feel my legs shaking the moment I stepped out of the vehicle. "I bought flowers." Jimin pulled the bouquet out and a smile erupted on my lips.

"White peonies were her favorite." I mumbled, grabbing the flowers in my hand. Jimin held the other one and then we both made our way inside the cemetery. I could feel my heart hammer loudly against my chest at every step I took. I gulped down the lump forming in my throat while placing the flowers on my mother's tombstone. It was her death anniversary.

In other words it was the day where everything changed. 

It changed so drastically that I lost a part of my life. The feeling of numbness returned all over again. My mouth went as I tried to speak. "Hey mum.." I crouched down to her tombstone. I never thought that I'd be living a life without my mother but here I was. I was never ready to lose her.

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