fast times at marlborough high

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It's early in the evening and you had just finished homework, sighing in relief when you stand up and walk straight to your closet to grab a bag and pack a few things as you'd be having a sleepover at Shannon's- that also happened to be Brian's. She invited you and you did wonder if her brother knew about it... the mere thought enough to cause butterflies in your stomach.

"Mom..." You enter the kitchen, hearing her talk about her patients with your dad.

"Where are you going?" She questioned when her eyes landed on your bag.

"I'm sleeping at the McCooks tonight, Shannon invited me over..." You say, hoping she didn't think much of it.

"Alright. Remember we're going to the golf club tomorrow..." You hated those clubs.

"Do I really have to go?" You whine.

"We're all going, (Y/N)" Your father answered.

"Okay, bye" You sigh, turning your back and walking out of the room until her words make you roll your eyes with and incredulous smile.

"Careful" Your mother said. "Don't get pregnant"

Yeah, right.

"Don't even joke about that, Emily" Your father said as you walked to the door, you can't help but replay the whole conversation in your head the whole way to her house, ringing the doorbell and waiting.

That is just way too absurd, who in hell would get you pregnant?

"Oh- hi" Brian opened the door with a surprised look on his face to see you there, standing in sweatpants and a black shirt with some goth graphics on it.

"Is your sister home yet?" You ask as he welcomed you inside.

"She's still at the practice" He said. "Are you having a sleepover?" He asked.

"We are..." Did you get the time wrong?

"You're like... 30 minutes early" He looked at the clock in the kitchen as you follow him. "But that's alright, unless you find me too boring" He teased, knowing damn well that would never be the case.

"Now that you said that- I think I'd rather stay with my parents..." You tease.

"Ha- come on! They're not that bad" He smiled knowingly and you can't repress the grin on your face at the way he looked at you.

"It's because you're not there frequently" You sigh.

"Because you don't invite me! I swear I'm pretty fun... sometimes" He said and you can't help but notice how flirty he sounded.

"Why'd you want to come over? You like me that much?" You reciprocate with the same tone.

"Yeah... you're alright" He winked. "Oh- sorry for keeping you standing with your bag... wanna go upstairs?" He asked nonchalantly but you could tell he secretly wished you said yes.

"Sure" You nodded with a gentle smile and he guides you upstairs... here come those familiar butterflies again.

You'd never been in his room and before he turns the light on you notice the room is blue lighted until you look to your side and realize those are blue Christmas lights hanging on the wall, there are some of his drawings on it as well, and Anne Rice vampire novels in piles on his table.

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