5. Balance

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"How did you even find us out here?" Cleo asked, curious how Drew just appeared like that. "You think you three could just sneak away without anyone seeing? Blake was the one that caught you three, but I thought it would be better if I went instead. She's a bit... you know..." Drew jokingly shuddered, acknowledging how scary Blake could be. "You all need to get back to base, though, or else I'll get her out here to come bite you."

After that, they made their way back to base, with Drew herding the three like a shepherd. It had already gotten late, and quiet too. Drew couldn't stay around for long after guiding them back to base, and he left the three right at the fence. Once he was out of earshot, the other two were much more talkative to Cleo. "Wow, your brother is cool. I've never seen a higher-up act so casually before!" Leah praised. "Yeah, he's... alright," Cleo responded, knowing how untrue that statement was. Cleo thought Drew was acting differently, probably not wanting to embarrass her in front of her friends.

"That was fucking awesome, though, Cleo. I'm sorry I ever doubted you," admitted Vitaliy. Cleo smiled and nodded before they all went their separate ways back to their tents. On her walk back alone, Cleo wasn't cheerful or impressed. "Why do I have such little control over my powers still?" she pondered to herself. She felt like she was coming so close each time but ultimately going in circles. What was the real secret to controlling her power?

As she walked towards her tent in the dark, she saw a small glow in the distance that looked like a firefly. However, this firefly-like glow illuminated a person. A person that was standing on a box and climbing over a fence to get out of base. Cleo considered doing something about it. If the rules are enforced for her, then they should be enforced for everyone, right? This thought left Cleo's head as soon as she saw who the person was. The large muscular frame, the jagged teeth, and the bright yellow eyes. The firefly she saw was Blake's luminescent lure, and the reason she could see it was because Blake stopped climbing the wall and was looking directly towards Cleo.

She awkwardly looked away and clambered into her tent, pretending to see nothing. How unfair, Cleo must've thought. The same girl who caught her going out earlier was now guilty of the same act. What was she even doing outside this late? Cleo tried her best to just forget about it and get some rest. She closed her eyes, trying to focus on the good parts. A week from now, she will be on a mission, able to prove herself to her brother and everyone else. The week leading up to this, however, must be filled with training. There may not be another prime opportunity like this for a while. She knows she must understand her power.

She woke up that morning, still a little groggy from having a late night. After getting dressed and leaving the tent, the sunlight in her eyes was overpowering. Every bird chirping and ray of sunlight was not beautiful today; it was annoying. Cleo was slightly dizzy as she wandered along to the barracks for breakfast. Her stomach growled, having not eaten last night, being far too busy adventuring out to eat. She lined up to grab a bowl of porridge, with the bustle of the large building echoing wildly. 

It was bland and beige, but it started to build her energy up. "Cleo. Are you ready to go?" she heard, from a voice behind her. It was in the serious tone that she was used to, unlike the temporary, casual tone she heard from him last night. "Yes, Drew," she acknowledged, quickly finishing up her porridge before following along. Once they got out of earshot, Drew was the first to talk. 

"You sure were excited to show off your power," he said, in a matter-of-fact tone. They made no eye contact as they walked beside each other, facing ahead. It was like there was an invisible barrier separating the two of them from looking each other in the eye. A barrier made of clear, unbroken ice, with a chilly reception after one tries to make conversation. They awkwardly marched uphill on a dirt path as Drew led her along to this remote location that he mentioned last night.

"You don't know what it's like. You've always been in control of your power." Cleo answered, feeling that there was some passive aggression coming from Drew, and matching it in kind. "Maybe you're just not damn motivated enough. I was in control because I had to be. I had to be in control of it for both of us." Drew snapped, referencing their upbringing. "You bring that up every time we talk, am I supposed to be forever indebted to you?" Cleo responded.

"No, but it would be nice if you were grateful for once. Maybe even help me out from time to time," he replied. The ice barrier crept back up between them, as silence enveloped them both. The siblings that have been inseparable for the longest time have major issues with communicating. The rift between them was nothing new. Cleo sighed, continuing to avoid eye contact.

"Why did you even bother bringing me out here if you're just going to be like this?" Cleo asked. "To train. I want you to do good on your first mission," he answered. "Why? So you can look good? So I don't embarrass you?" Cleo replied, frustratedly referencing past things Drew had said. Drew took a long pause. "Is it so unbelievable that I could actually care about you and want the best for you?"

Once they reach the top of the hill, Cleo is surprised to see how many people there are. There was a well-worn, cobbled path that led to eccentric little huts. "We'll continue this conversation once we've passed through here." Drew stated in an authoritative tone, leaving Cleo wondering what was so significant about this little settlement.

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