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You stumbled along behind him as he led you out of the bar and into the cool night air, but you had a smile plastered on your face, enjoying the eagerness you could feel rolling off of him in waves. The keys jingling in his hand caught you by surprise.

You climbed into Hesh's passengers seat, and you got yourself buckled just as he tore out of the parking lot, "God damn, Russ. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." I chuckled at his needy actions. "Are we seriously stealing Hesh's car right now?"

"Yeah. We are. I'll send him money for a cab later." Keegan's grip tightened on the steering wheel. His heart was pounding so loudly in his chest, he thought for sure you could hear it.

His knuckles were white as he gripped the gear shift, the engine roaring in response to his heavy foot on the gas pedal.

"And I know you're not going anywhere," he replied, tense. "I just... fuck, baby." He shook his head, unable to articulate the whirlwind of emotions coursing through him.

His usually even demeanor crumbling under the weight of his need for you. And the knowledge that he was finally about to have you.

He maintained a laser-like focus on the road, as if trying to outrun the tension filling the car. The drive felt achingly slow despite his foot pressing the accelerator to the floor, the streetlights blurring past in a dizzying streak of light.

The whole way back to the base, your heart felt like it was pounding in your throat. The shift in your relationship was turning your world on its axis and the build up to this point seemed like gasoline to the flame.

The teasing, the arguments, the rivalry. It all added on to it.

As the car entered the deserted lot of the base, he finally allowed himself to look over at you. His light eyes were dark with lust, his hair slightly tousled from your fingers running through it earlier in the evening.

"We're not making it into the base, are we?" The way he was looking at you answered that question.

You weren't making it out of this car.

Keegan let out a low chuckle, the sound rumbled deep in his chest. "No, we're not," he answered, his voice oozing sex. He glanced at the base looming seemingly so far in the distance, then back at you. "Fuck no, we're definitely not."

He reached over and unbuckled your seatbelt, his fingers brushing against your thigh as he did so. He swallowed hard at the contact, a shiver running down his spine. His eyes met yours once again, his desire written all over his face.

"Get in the backseat," he instructed, his voice rumbling through you, leaving absolutely no room for argument. His fingers traced a slow path up your thigh, causing goosebumps to prick up on your skin. "Now." He growled again.

"Oh shit. Okay." You scrambled through the gap between the front seats, landing on the bench seat in the back and scooting over to make room for him.

The moment you were settled in the backseat, Keegan was on the move. His heart pounded in his chest, the thick anticipation between you felt like a physical thing taking up space in the already small space with you.

He turned off the car, not caring about leaving it idle in the lot. He practically crawled in after you, his large frame taking up most of the confined space.

"God," he groaned, his husky voice filled with pure lust. He didn't waste a moment in pulling you against him, his large hands running over your body like a man starved of physical intimacy.

Heat radiated off of your bodies, making the air trapped inside of the car thick with humidity. Rivulets of condensation already rolling down the steamed windows.

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