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The shower did little to cool you off, your mind was still reeling and your muscles were still tense from the incident in the gym.

Your phone lit up on your night stand, illuminating the text you'd just gotten. It was from Hesh in the group chat you were a part of (almost) completely unwillingly.

You could see Keegan was typing, but you tossed your phone to the side before you could see what he sent. You got dressed, knowing exactly which bar they meant and how to dress to fit in.

Keegan glanced at his phone as it buzzed on the armrest of his chair, the soft glow illuminating the group chat.

He watched as the others chimed in, his fingers tapping against the screen in thought. The bar wasn't exactly high on his list of priorities, but you would be there.

Keegan: I'll be there.

He tossed his phone back onto the coffee table, standing up from his chair. He ran a hand through his short hair, letting out a sigh. What the fuck was he doing? He was practically chasing after you, and he didn't even know what he was going to say when he saw you.

Not that he could admit to himself that he wanted more than just a friendly drink. The tension between you was already high enough without adding romantic drama into the mix. His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, but one thing was clear - he couldn't avoid you forever.

Shaking his head, he grabbed his jacket and headed towards the door. If tonight was going to be a disaster, he might as well get it over with.

You dressed in a pair of cut off black shorts and a homemade cropped band tee. It wasn't often you got to dress up, so you didn't have a lot of cute clothes, but you had what you liked.

You headed for Hesh's car, waving at the guys as you approached. Keegan was there too. You hadn't seen his text to confirm whether he was going or not and right about now you were really wishing you had.

Keegan felt his pulse quicken as you walked up. There was a look about you that could only be described as fucking dangerous.

"Alright, kick, y/n, Keegan. In the back." Hesh called out, hopping up front with Logan to start the car. You groaned, but got in, sitting in the middle of the two large men.

Restraint had its place, but it seemed to have deserted Keegan entirely as his eyes remained rooted to you, drinking in the view.

And then you climbed into the vehicle, positioning yourself right between him and Kick. Hell, even the effects of war hadn't made his heart pound this hard.

"All set?" Hesh asked, glancing at them in the rearview mirror. Keegan gave a terse nod, his gaze straying sideways. There you were. Like a fucking nightmare come to life. Everything he wanted to avoid, but wanted right next to him at the same time.

Your perfume wafted over him - sweet and intoxicating. His gut twisted, and he tugged a hand through his hair, desperately trying to shake off the thoughts invading his mind.

The ride to the bar was a blur of music, loose chatter, and one inconspicuous and ridiculously stubborn hard-on.

Keegan ground his teeth, willing himself to focus on anything - the flickering streetlights, Logan's shitty jokes, the numbing vibration of the car - anything but the damned heat radiating from the woman sitting next to him.

Chaos and calamity. That was what you were turning out to be for him. And he was barely hanging on.

You rolled your eyes at Hesh as he displayed his fucking awful driving skills. It reminded you why you hated going out with them. Hesh was always the designated driver, so he always drove to and from.

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