|| CHAPTER 7 - All Shall Die ||

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|| CHAPTER 7 – All Shall Die ||

(Series 1- Episode 4)

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The Saxon army emerged from the forest and the fortress at Werham came into view. Not a mark on the surrounding land or on its walls could be seen as a result of the Dane attack.  It lay still and apparently undisturbed at the top of the hill.

And yet it had fallen, and war was upon them.

On either side of Signe, tight ranks of soldiers stretched almost as far as the eye could see, spearpoints driving into the sky and their eyes set forward. There was a great clattering of metal as wood as they came to halt.

Signe rode between Uhtred and Leofric, all of them dressed for battle.

Her hair was pulled back into tight braids that ran along her scalp and that were then gathered together at top of her head. Her weapons sat freshly sharpened in their sheaths, and she felt the weight of them more acutely than ever.

Signe suspected that in order to give Ubba time to return from Ireland,  Guthrum was going to sue for peace. But even though she didn't expect a fight, her body prepared for it.

Dread held her lungs in an oppressive grip, tightening every moment, all while the anticipation of a fight hummed in her blood, making her restless in the saddle.

When Alfred spoke, he did so with a quiet strength, knowing that Leofric would bellow his words down the lines of men.

"We are here to show them how many we are."

"We are here to show them how many we are!"

The king was transfixed by the sight of the captured fortress, but there was not so much as a quiver in his voice.

"That we are here with God, and that this our land."

"That we are here with God, and this is our land!" Leofric echoed, driving his horse forward so he could face the ranks of men. The army began to murmur, enlivened by the warriors' cries. "This is our land, our Wessex. This is our England! And we shall murder any heathen bastard that tries to take it!"

As the men all erupted into frenzied cries, waving their weapons in the air and grinning wildly, Uhtred leant forward to capture Signe's attention. With just a look, he enquired about her welfare.

She found that all she could do was nod morosely, but he accepted it, knowing that asking anymore of her would be a cruelty.

And then, the gates of the fortress opened.

Signe sat up straighter, trying to make out the figures on the horses. One would certainly be Guthrum, but who else would they be faced with?

Alfred raised a hand to silence his army.

"They wish to talk, Lord." Uhtred said, watching the approaching Danes.

"I know what they want." Alfred answered stonily.

"Time." Signe finished for him. "They will call for a truce and wait for Ubba to return."

"Indeed." Alfred agreed, turning to the Aelderman next to him. "Odda, with your guards, you shall go with me. Leofric, you as well. And father Selbix."

"Yes, lord." The nervous priest answered, following the king and his men who had already moved off.

Signe watched as they moved through the mist, meeting Guthrum and his warriors in the middle of the field.

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