|| CHAPTER 6 - Heathen ||

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|| CHAPTER 6 – Heathen ||

(Series 1- Episode 4)

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It was the morning of Uhtred's wedding and snowflakes were falling. They spiralled in the breeze, dissipating when they hit the heat of the flames that flickered in the brazier. Signe and Leofric held their hands over it, rubbing them together in attempt to take in some warmth to fight against winter's clutches. Uhtred sulked, lamenting about his bride.

"I wasn't allowed to meet her. I haven't seen her."

"It is the way." Leofric reassured him as he reached out, pulling him away from the fire.

As they walked in the direction of the palace courtyard, Signe lingered for a moment and stared into the fire.

As winter had hardened the ground, a lethargy had fallen upon her. A lethargy that only worsened her sadness.

The loss of Brida had affected her more than she ever could have imagined.

And although she would have betrayed part of herself if she had left Uhtred, she felt shame and grief at having turned her back on Ragnar.

He had made her the warrior she was and all she had ever dreamed of was joining him in Ireland, of sailing with him and fighting by his side. And when he had reached out his hand and offered it to her, she had denied him.

And now, Alfred had his wish. Uhtred was getting married to a Saxon woman- to Odda's Goddaughter.

Each day he became more and more Saxon, all while Signe remained the same. How could she fit into is life as a lord? A married man with a wife and children?

What if she had turned her back on everything she had ever wanted, for a life that would never really belong to her? That would never feel right.

But she also knew that the sadness she felt without Brida and Ragnar, would likely become a despair if she were to ever be separated from Uhtred. So she would endure. She had to.

And she could not regret choosing to stand by his side.

She just wished she knew who she was without him.

Signe's boots scuffed along the stone path as she pulled herself away from the brazier and caught up with the two men, stopping just behind them as they approached the gates that led into the interior courtyard. The very same one where they had first met Alfred.

It already felt like a lifetime ago.

"Have you seen her?" Uhtred asked Leofric, clearly ill at ease.

"A distance away. Plain is a fair description." The warrior offered equivocally, looking back at Uhtred as they passed through the gates. "How much was the bride price?"

"Thirty three pieces. Which I have paid to her Godfather Odda, and which I'll make sure she receives." They rounded a corner and Uhtred let out a sigh as they came to a stop. His attention travelled back to Signe, noting the ever-darkening bags beneath her eyes. "I've made promises...Revenge and such. We both have."

Leofric's brow furrowed as he looked at down at Uhtred. "Why are you here? Do you know?"

Uhtred nodded softly as he stared off into the courtyard.

"She brings land. I'll become a lord under Alfred. I'll be able to make wealth; gather men. Take back what's mine."

"I'll wager she brings problems as well." Signe grumbled, knowing what Uhtred's reaction would be before he even opened his mouth. They had already argued about it. Many times.

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