Maybe we can nope out of this situation?

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About a year after the events at Guanyin Temple, Jin Ling and Ouyang Zizhen were sent to the cloud recesses to study. Currently the juniors are on there way to Lan Wangji's jingshi because Wei Wuxian accidentally forgot to bring an important Scroll with him and sent Lan Sizhui to go and retrieve it for him, but of course everyone else insisted on tagging along.

The juniors open the door to the jingshi, the smell of saddle wood gently touched their noses as they step inside the calmingly decorated house, but Lan Jingyi and Jin Ling have been continuously bickering, Sizhui and Zizhen are already inside while the other two are fighting to get inside first.

"Move out of the way" Jin Ling grunts as he struggles to push Lan Jingyi out of his way,
"No, Never" Jingyi snapped as he pushed back. Suddenly there was a loud thud followed by a roaring laughter, Sizhui and Zizhen quickly turn around to see Lan Jingyi sprawled on the wooden walk way outside the jingshi while Jin Ling laughs mockingly as he victoriously steps inside.
"I win" Jin Ling mocks before he sticks his tongue out, "Whatever..." Lan Jingyi Mutters getting up off the floor.
"You know you both could of just stayed behind" Lan Sizhui turns to them with a funny expression staring at the interesting interaction between his two friends, "I know senior Wei only asked you to come sizhui, but admit that it would be less fun with out us" Ouyang Zizhen slapped his knee while he cackles . "Well I never said it wouldn't be interesting...but I'm sure that they wanted an excuse to skip class" Sizhui says as his mouth curves into a smile, he then walks further into the jingshi
"Who would pass this wonderful opportunity" Jingyi smirks as he gestures by waving his arm towards the inside of the jingshi.

"Anyway what are we looking for again" said Jin Ling curiously, Jingyi snickered at his question "Damn you already forgot" " language Jing—"Sizhui was cut off "shut up dumbass I bet you don't remember either" sneered Jin Ling as he gave him a light punch in the shoulder. Lan Jingyi dramatically fell back and taunted "Your right I don't remember at at least I didn't admit it first".

"We're looking for the scroll on summoning that senior Wei forgot to bring with him" Ouyang Zizhen said while looking through boxes of scrolls. He momentarily stops to comfort sizhui who is currently stilll frozen with his mouth agape from being cut of like that. patting him on the shoulder "ignore them they will never stop fighting, they just don't want to admit that they are totally best friends". Zizhen said as he gently pushed Sizhuis jaw close.

Jin Ling turns away with a slight blush on his pale face and starts to look through the shelves and jingyi rolls his eyes at Zizhen remark and bends down to look through a chest of scrolls.
"Why dose senior Wei even have all these who needs a scroll for cooking noodles" Ouyang Zizhen exclaims while dramatically showcasing the scroll with his arms. "Well it's obvious remember how he almost killed us with that congee he made" Jin Ling nose wrinkled as he reminisced Jingyi groaned and covered his mouth "don't remind me my taste buds still haven't recovered" sizhui closed his eyes remembering how his mouth burned from all the spicy "well hopefully he puts it to good use..."

After a while of looking for the scroll the only one who is looking for it is sizhui because zizhen, Jingyi, and Jin Ling have all given up, Jingyi who is leisurely lounging on Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji's bed on top of the light blue comforter that covers it, and Zizhen is laying on top of a pile of scrolls staring blankly at the ceiling while Jin Ling has his head on the table due to boredom.

"Ugh have you found it yet sizhui" whines Zizhen while he rolls back and forth on the lightly colored wooden floor.
"No despite the room being tidy the organization of the scrolls are... really out of order" Sizhui replied sounding not surprised,
"Well I wonder why their senior Wei's after all" said Jin Ling finally picking his head up from the table that he has been laying on. Jingyi then gets up off the bed to go and help sizhui "it can't be that unorganized....right.....oh." Jin Ling curious about what they are seeing stands up and walks over to them opening a scroll " this.... looks like it was written with no sleep...." His face scrunches up as he looks at the one in Lan Sizhui's hand.
"Yeah and with a jar of emperors smile" Jingyi said while laughing, this cracks up Zizhen who is still laying on a bunch of scrolls on the floor, He then glances at Sizhui and smirks" hey do you know if your father has any hidden around here" Sizhui smiles but let's out a sigh " Drinking is prohibited in the cloud recess" Jin Ling pouts, but Ouyang zizhen winks while saying "yeah but you didn't answer the question so their must be some around here". Lan Sizhui looks at his friends with visible concern on his delicate features "yes there is... but is it really worth all the trouble I mean Sect leader Jiang will most likely threaten to break Jin Lings legs and grandmaster Qiren will make all of you do handstands".
Ouyang Zizhen gets up of the floor "Yeah but—" suddenly he comically slips on a scroll colliding with Jin Ling who then falls hard on to Lan JingYi who simultaneously knocks down Lan Sizhui sending all four of them falling onto Wei Wuxian's work desk with a loud thud.
Suddenly a bright light engulfs all of them.
"What the-"


This is my first time writing a fanfic, I had a lot of fun writing this so I hope someone will enjoy reading this.
I wanted to write this because recently I've had an obsession with reading fan fiction where the Juniors time travel to the past and I was never satisfied with the endings so I decided to create my own.

I'm kind of embarrassed since I'm not very good at writing dialogue (I've only done it like 3 times)
So please be nice<3

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