Part 1: chapter two

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After lunch, I waved bye to my parents because we were supposed to go a lecture hall on the third floor for some more orientation. We could use the stairs, but since all the other students were using the ramp to climb up, I just followed along.

I hoped to see Megan again, but she was nowhere to be seen. There was this girl with a petite frame walking in front of me. I knew she was walking ahead of me, and she knew I was walking behind her. But neither of us talk to each other. I see two other girls coming down the ramp, looking a little confused about where they had to go. They ask the petite girl for directions. I stop and help them out too. After the other two girls left, the petite girl and I finally speak to each other.

"Hi," she says awkwardly.

"Hi," I say with a smile.
Extra points to me for putting up a smile and not letting people know how anxious I really was.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Ila (pronounced as, eye-la). And yours?"

"Aidan. Nice to meet you."

Ila just smiles at me. I can only see her large, dark brown eyes because she's wearing a mask. She was wearing a really pretty red kurti, and her long, black, curls were braided together. Her eyes though, were, shining in the sunlight.

Her eyes are so pretty! I thought to myself.

"So you're staying in the hostel?" I ask.

"No, I'll be traveling from home."

"Me too."

We walk together to the third floor and wait outside the lecture hall for them to call us in for the orientation. While we wait, we talk about how we didn't like classes starting already, about the coaching classes that we went for NEET, and a bunch of other stuff. While talking, I see a black ant walking over her mask.

"Um, there's an ant on your mask," I say, pointing my finger towards her mask.

She takes off her mask, and I finally see the tiny face that was behind the mask. She has a nose that she later describes as a fritter (your regular pakora), a beautiful, wide smile, and a tiny mole on her lower lip. She's so tiny that she looks like a thirteen year old.

After a while, they call us in and make us watch some videos. It was a very short session, about thirty minutes. And then we could go back home.
Ila and I walk down the ramp together, and I note down her number before we say bye to each other.

It was nice meeting Megan and Ila today.

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