Part 1: chapter one

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Twelfth of December, 2022, it was our first day of med school, or medical college. I know it's a very odd time of the year to start college, but they had to since everything got delayed because of COVID and stuff.
It was finally the first day of college, and...I wasn't excited. Yeah, you heard that right. I wasn't excited. Well, let's just say that when you're depressed, nothing really makes you happy. I'd rather stay in bed, curled up in my sheets, and watch Netflix. Also because, I had to wake up early to get ready for our orientation/freshers day. Since I was an night owl, ever since our NEET exam
(okay, so for the ones who don't know what NEET is, it's basically like this entrance exam to get into med colleges. It's like a 720-marks paper with all multiple-choice questions, that you have to complete in three hours. And if you scored qualifying marks, your rank would decide the possibilities of you getting into the college that you desire. Trust me, this exam is way too traumatizing)
got over, I would watch all kinds of series and movies, late at night. And now, it is so difficult for me to get out of my bed at seven in the morning.

"Aidan, are you waking up or not!" came my mom's voice from the kitchen.

Moms are not to be messed with. I mean, it depends. I do rebel at times.

"Yeah, I'm up mom," I say, sitting in bed, stretching and yawning. I had my wild, curly hair sticking out in all directions, some strands even going into my mouth. A dried-up drool at the corner of my mouth and white discharge in my eyes. I was scratching my stomach (abs, basically) that was sore because of the previous day's workout (nah, I'm not a workout freak. I was just trying to lose the weight that I'd gained over the past few months, after our NEET exam), and my breasts were sagging because of the loose bra. Yeah I know, not a very attractive way of waking up. But, that's mine and most of the girl's reality.

(I'm sorry ladies, for revealing too much)

I push myself out of bed, wash my face, brush my teeth, take a dump and shower. Squeaky clean! Then I picked out what I wanted to wear, iron it, and get dressed. I wore a light green coloured kurti which had a really pretty light pink coloured embroidery at its neck. I paired this with an off-white coloured kurta pant.

Pretty decent for our first day, I thought to myself.

I tied my curls up in a ponytail, applied moisturizer and some face powder, wore simple stud earrings and pink flats. I left home with my parents at around 8:10am and was at college by 8:30am. Yup, college is quite near my house. All the new students had to go in and get their new white coats before entering the auditorium where our freshers day was going to happen. So I go into the administration block, pay money for the white coats, get the receipt and get my two new white coats. It's quite a good feeling- to be able to wear white coats after working so hard and working our asses off while preparing for NEET.
And then, the photography ritual started. I mean, every med student's first day is incomplete without pictures in their white coat, right? It's like this obsession that every parent makes their child stand in every possible place to get a nice background and then clicks at least ten pictures of their child in the same background. It's kinda cute though, it's more like their love language that says, "I'm proud of you."

Once I'd got my other administration work done, I went to the auditorium with my parents. I sat in the students section and my parents, in the parents section.

I sat next to another girl. She had glasses with small frame on, a narrow, oval face, and her voluminous hair put together in a French braid.

"Hey, what's your name?" I ask, breaking the silence.
Okay, so here's the thing, I'm quite anxious when I'm around a lot of people, especially new people. But I give myself points for speaking out first.

"Hi, I'm Megan," she says. "What about you?"

"Nice to meet you Megan. I'm Aidan."

"Glad to meet you too," she says smiling.

"So you're a day scholar?" I ask.

"No, I'm staying here in the hostel."

"Oh, is it good? I mean, is it comfortable?"

"I don't know yet. I haven't unpacked."

I just nod at that because I didn't know what to say.
She seems like a really nice, and warm person, I thought to myself.

Soon the program started, we had chief guests coming in, an oath that we had to take, few words from our seniors, a welcome song, and finally, the boring event came to an end.
The college had arranged lunch for us, so we had that. It was pretty impressive for food served at a college.

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