Let them fall.

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Hey! My other Treech book, wait for it. Is out now!!! It's on my account :) go have a read when you finished this chapter <33


Dread. As you feel the train holt, the whistle blaring it's now familiar sound again, you reach your hand onto Treeches cheek given it a gentle tap. "Treech. It's time to go." You murmur. He yawns before sitting up, turning to face you.

"Did you get any sleep?" He asks gently looking you over. "A little, I was watching the Snow, it is mesmerising when moving so fast." You smile as you stand up, offering a hand to Treech. He nods slowly reaching out to take your hand. Even now, after all the times Treech had held your hand, you still had butterflies in your stomach. "I wish you woke me up.." he grumbles frowning. "As a kid I loved the snow."

You both rise from your seats, moving to the trains exit. By far, this platform seemed the worst. There were no peacekeepers present. Dust and coal was everywhere on the ground, fallen obviously from the trains after they had taken off.

You clamber down after Treech as you began to move out of the station. "So, where do we go?" He asks looking over your shoulder at the ticket. "It doesn't say, all the note said too was it takes us to the edge of twelve, and we can escape Panem from there. He rolls his eyes. "So... we just wonder around and hope for the best.." you nod. He reaches out taking your hand as you both begin to move towards twelve, the streets gradually became busier the further you came in. Filled with men dragging carts of coal, women carrying pick axes and small bags moving towards a black smith, where you could see him hammering onto an anvil through him open door. You drag your gaze from their forms as you begin to reach the end of the road. "We have no idea where we're going.." you mutter looking around, your hand still clutching onto Treech.

"We can figure it out." He says confidently moving towards a lone girl on the corner of the street. "Excuse me! Hi can we trouble you for some help?" He asks kindly as he stares at the little girl. She jumps turning to face you. Her outfit reminds you of Lucy Gray, bright and colourful, her hair styled into a braided ponytail. "Not anymore then you are now... what do you need?" She sasses putting her hands on your hips. "We need to get to the very edge of twelve." He asks looking around suspiciously, she raises her brows. "Keep going straight, turn left when you see the bakery and then you'll see some grassland, then woods. You'll be out of twelve before you know it." She answers quietly. Your eyes widen as you speak up. "Oh we.. we aren't trying to leave!" You try and cover for yourself. She simply rolls her eyes looking between the two of you. "I might be young but I ain't stupid."

Treech smiles. "Thank you, what's your name?" He says offering a hand out for her to shake. She smiles back before taking his hand firmly.

"Maude, Maude Ivory."

Treech nods leaning up before turning around pulling you along too. "Thank you for your help Maud Ivory."

"Wait! Wait.. if you're going to the woods, can you keep an eye out, for my cousin.. she's missing. Just, tell her Maude's looking for her."

He nods his head as you both begin to move away from the girl. "Poor kid." He says frowning. You nod in agreement as you look over your shoulder at the girl, only to notice she's no longer there, but walking around the corner.

You follow the girls instruction, walking straight forward on the uneven path, moving around the people dragging their carts up and down the road before turning left at the bakery. The smell was sweet, and yeasty. In the window you could see warm fresh bread being served up at the counter. You could feel your stomach growl.

You hadn't felt that sensation in a long time, not since before the war, where cannibalism was the ending result for many people.

Eventually your eyes catch on the sudden greenery of many fields all rolling towards the setting sun.  You pull Treeches hand moving onto the field.




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