Chapter 7

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Nate's POV
One Month Ago

Matt and I were walking out the front door, giggling and laughing all the way to the car. It was nice to just hang out with Matt, we didn't get to do it often. We got in the car and talked for a little while, then Matt got on his phone quietly, while I focused on driving. It wasn't but a few minutes later, a car jerked out of their lane to pass a car, I didn't have time, I gasped as I tried to jerk my car to the right into the emergency lane, "Nate!!" the driver in our lane hit us head on. My seatbelt jerked me back, but not before my head hit the steering wheel, as I heard the windshield shatter. I groaned and looked over at Matt, I tried to say his name but I was losing consciousness, I heard him say my name before he passed out, but I couldn't speak. I glanced over at him and seen glass sticking out of his throat, "No..." then everything went black.

I faintly heard people talking to me, and I tried to speak to them, but my speech was slurred. I closed my eyes and a few minutes later, I woke up to a young woman shaking my shoulder. I gasped and looked over at Matt. "Matt, no! No, please, no." I felt the woman lay her hand on my shoulder, pulling me away from Matt, ad I tried to reach for him. "It's okay, we're here to help. My partner will take care of your friend." I glanced up at her and then back over at Matt. "Please be okay." She helped get me out of the car and laid me down on a stretcher. I could tell that my nose was broken, because it hurt so bad, the EMS took my vitals and blood pressure once we got in the ambulance. "My name is Sierra, I'm going to take care of you, okay?" I nodded slowly. "What about Matt?" I choked out. She pursed her lips. "I think he'll be okay. My partner is great at what he does, your friend is in good hands." She smiled at me. "Now, let me take a look at that concussion and broken nose of yours." I nodded and soon we had made it to the hospital.


I sighed and walked down the hall to Matt's room. I had gotten a text from Chris, that Matt was back in the hospital, due to his heart stopping again. I was shocked when I found out the first time that his heart stopped on the ambulance to the hospital. Nick and Chris seemed worried when they told me that his heart had stopped again today.

I finally made it to the door and knocked softly, I heard a quiet 'come in' as I stepped into the room, I seen all three of them there. I smiled softly and waved. I talked to all of them, until Nick stood up. "Chris, you wanna go to the cafeteria? I think Matt and Nate should have some alone time." Chris got the hint and walked out with him. I sighed softly and looked over at Matt.

After a moment of silence, I finally spoke up. "How are you doing?" Matt pursed his lips and looked down, shrugging. "I forgot, you can't talk." His eyes shot up and looked at me. "Yes, I can." He smiled softly at my reaction. "I can, just not much." His voice was scratchy. I smiled at him talking. "Matt... I am so sorry for the wreck." He shook his head, "Nate, don't be. That wasn't your fault." I shook my head. "I know it's not my fault, but I can't get the wreck out of my head. I keep thinking and visualizing, looking over at you, unconscious with glass in your throat... I can't help but to at least feel guilty about it." He nodded, "I get it... I would feel guilty too, but I'm okay." I gave him a 'are you really' look and he sighed. "For the most part I am. I do have to get an MRI done next month to figure out why I keep passing out." I nodded, "I hope they can figure out the cause. I'm so sorry Matt." He smiled, "It's okay. I never blamed you and I forgive you, even if you can't forgive yourself right now." I stood up and leaned down to hug him. I felt him smile as he hugged me back tightly. We talked for a few minutes and caught up with each other since the last time we saw each other, which hasn't been since the night of the wreck.

We laughed and joked around until he got quiet and bit his lip. "Can I tell you something?" I nodded, "You can always tell me things." He nodded and stayed quiet gor a moment. "I think... I think I might be bisexaul..." I smiled, "I happy for you! Do Nick and Chris know?" He shook his head, "No, I haven't told them yet." I nodded, "What makes you think that?" He took a shaky breath and looked down at his hands. "I might have a crush... On my Physical Therapist and Nurse..." I gave him a confused look. "I have a crush on Caleb." I was shooked, but excited for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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