Chapter 2

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Nick's POV

On our way to the hospital, I called our mom and told her that Nate and Matt were in a car wreck. I guess it's good that mom and dad were coming this weekend to visit us, because she said they had just landed at the airport and that they would be at the hospital as soon as possible. She said that she would call Justin and tell him to fly out to LA. Once we got to the hospital, Chris and I rushed up to the reception desk, she told us that Matt was in surgery. We nodded and sat down in the waiting room. "How bad could he be?" I shrugged, "I don't know Chris." I glanced over and seen that he was tearing up. I wrapped my arm around him and held him close to me.

After a little bit, mom and dad walked in and seen us sitting in the waiting room. "He's in surgery." They nodded and sat down on both sides of me and Chris. Soon a doctor came out, "Sturniolo family?" Our mom and dad stood up, Chris and I walked over with them. "Hi, I'm Dr. Mirani, I will be Matthew's doctor while he heals. I'll start with good news, his vitals are stable, with a moderate concussion, cracked bone in his right leg and a few bruised ribs. Now the bad news, he had a medium sized piece of glass from the windshield that cut through his throat. It missed his Larynx by mere inches, but he had to have surgery to remove the glass, so he will not be able to talk for a while. He is currently on a ventilator so he can breathe, due to the throat surgery he can't breathe on his own at the moment. He is sedated and will be for the next few days. I will inform you that when we walk in, he is hooked up to a lot of cords and tubes." Mom and Dad nodded and we walked towards the room.

When we walked in, we knew it would be bad, but not this bad. He had a tube around throat and the ventilator tube in his throat and mouth. He had two cords going down his arm to his IV, as well as I cord that ran down to his finger, where the pulse monitor was wrapped around his finger. He also had four monitors on his chest for his heart. Chris and I froze in place when we seen the state Matt was in, I felt dad place his hand on my shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze. We all walked furthur in the room, "Like I mentioned earlier, he is stable, but sedated. I'll let you all have to room to yourselves, I'll be back in a little bit to check on him." And with that he left the room.

We sat down in the chairs by his bed, no one said anything and you could feel the weight of the room crushing down on you. Mom got up after a little bit, to ask the doctor some questions. Dad sat across from us on the other side of the bed, holding Matt's hand. "Please wake up soon Matt..." I whispered as we sat there.

Matt's POV

Nick, Chris and I were sitting in the car making a video for YouTube. It was quiet, no ine saying anything. "Matt?" I glanced back at Nick, "What?" "I love you... I'm just really scared for you right now." I gave him a confused look, "Why?" Instead of answering he opened the door and got out of the van. I wasn't going to let him leave that easily, I followed him out of the van, and into the living room? "Nick??" I walked down the hall in our Boston house, and into the kitchen. The house seemed empty, Nick wasn't there. "Chris?" He poked his head around the corner, "Matt, you're up?" I nodded and went furthur into the kitchen. "What do you mean by I'm up?" He shrugged and sat down at the counter, "Like you're actually awake and walking around." I was so confused. First Nick said that he was scared for me and now Chris was saying I was actually awake. "What happened?" Chris looked at me confused, "You don't remember?"

I shook my head, he started to respond and then Justin came into the room. "Matty!!!!" I turned around to face him and the living room faded away. I was now standing in our LA house living room, "You're in LA?" He nodded and sat down on the couch. "I had to come visit you. Matty... Please wake up soon." There is was again, wake up from what?

Justin's POV

I arrived at the hospital and got Matt's room number. I walked down the hall of the third floor and came to a stop outside the door. I took a deep breath and started to walk in. When I stepped in, the only person in the room was dad. "Dad? Where is everyone?" He glanced up from Matt, "Your mom took Nick and Chris out to eat, to just breathe and get out of this room." I nodded and stepped furthur into the room, "How is he?" Dad shrugged, "Not the best, but he's stable." I nodded and looked at his throat. "Dad he's..." he nodded and told me what the doctor had said. "Will he ever talk again?" "Eventually yes, the doctor said for the next few months, he won't be able to talk fully until his throat heals completely." I nodded and sat down beside the bed. I reached out and held Matt's other hand. I felt his fingers twitch a little, "Is that normal? Is he waking up?"

"No, he won't wake up until they stop sedating him, for now they're just muscle spasms." I nodded and after a while, dad left the room to get coffee, leaving me alone in the room. "Hey Matty. I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm here in LA for you. Please heal, please. I wanna see that smile and hear those snide comments of yours again. I wanna listen your little Mattitude. Please get better." After a few minutes, Nick and Chris walked into the room. "Hey..." I smiled softly. "Come here you two." They both broke down crying and sat down on both sides of me. I wrapped my arms around them and pulled them close to me, letting them cry their hearts out. I teared up myself, but I know Matt will be okay.

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