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Addison was living in a hotel.

She had taken the day off and decided to go to LA Sara didn't want to let her go alone so Sara went with her.

They were driving in Addison's red sun roof car.

They had arrived in LA and were now in front of Naomi and Sam's practice.

Let's go inside - Sara said

They walked inside and quickly found Naomi.

Aaa Addison.. Sara - Naomi said while hugging them

How have you been - Sara asked

It's been great - Naomi said with a smile

Sam came from behind.

It that Shepherd and Montgomery - Sam asked with a smile

Sam - Addison said with a smile

Nice practice by the way - Sara said

Thanks.. we put a lot of love into it - Sam said

Who are these two fine women - Peter asked

Peet this is Addison and Sara my close friends from my intern year - Naomi said

I'm Violet.. the shrink - Violet said

Sara and Addison shaked both Peet and Violet's hands.

Amelia just came in by the elevator.

Amelia saw Sara and Addison.

Holy Shit what are you two doing here - Amelia asked with a big smile

She went over and hugged them.

Wait you all know each other? - Violet asked

Yes.. they are my sisters.. one by blood and one by my brother's marriage - Amelia said

Sara and Addison went into Naomi's office.

Cooper came out of his office and saw Sara.

Who are they? - Cooper asked Violent

Amelia's sister and sister in law - Violent said

I can hit that - Cooper said

Don't even - Sam said with a laughing smile

Addison had gone to see the hospital in LA while Sara had stayed at the practice.

Dell was talking to Sara when Cooper came.

Hey.. Sara right - Cooper asked

Yeah and you were Cooper right? - Sara asked

Yes that would be me - Cooper said

You married? - Cooper asked because he saw a ring on Sara's hand

Oh this.. it's just a gift - Sara said while pointing on the ring

You wanna go out for lunch - Cooper asked

We have known each other for only a few hours and you're already hitting on me - Sara said with a smile

Nothing wrong with that right - Copper asked with a small laugh

I would but I have a boyfriend - Sara said with a small laughing smile

What's he huh.. a doctor - Cooper asked

Actually he's a police officer - Sara said

I see - Cooper said

There's still a office open here - Naomi said

I'll think about it - Addison said

Sara and Addison drove back to Seattle since they start work again tomorrow.

I heard that you got offered a job at the practice - Sara asked

Yeah I did - Addison said

Your thinking about taking it - Sara asked

Maybe.. I need to get away from Seattle soon.. I can't keep seeing Meredith.. I want to kill her every time I see her - Addison said

I think a fresh start would be great.. but I don't want you to leave - Sara said

Same - Addison said

2 weeks later in Seattle.

I'm leaving.. Richard - Addison said

What.. why - Richard asked

I need a fresh start.. now that me and Derek aren't married anymore - Addison said

When are you leaving - Richard asked

Today will be my last day - Addison said

Richard went over and hugged Addison.

She's leaving - Callie said

What - Sara said

She didn't tell you - Callie asked

No.. or she told me she might she didn't tell me she would leave - Sara said

Maybe she hadn't told you yet because she knows you'll try stopping her from leaving - Arizona said

(Arizona and Callie aren't together yet they are just friends. But Mark and Callie have slept together a few times now)

Sara left to go talk to Mark.

Mark - Sara said

Yeah - Mark said

Addie's leaving - Sara said

I know - Mark said

Am I the only one that didn't knew - Sara asked

I think so.. even Bailey knows - Mark said

Really - Sara said

Addison had said goodbye to everyone except Sara.

Addison found Sara in the halls.

She ran after her.

This is the final goodbye - Addison said

I'm gonna miss you - Sara said with small tears in her eyes

Me too - Addison said

They hugged and then Addison was picked up in a taxi that was driving her to the airport.

I know this part is reallyyyyy short but I'll post a new chapter with this so the next one will be posted right after this :)

I hope you're like the story so far but everything is about to change soon.

See you all in the next chapter :)

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