The Secret Greenhouse

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Ivy pov:
The Winx,the pixies and I were back at Alfea.

Ivy pov:The Winx,the pixies and I were back at Alfea

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"I just wish i could identify this flower."said Flora as she looks at the beautiful blue flower that Lu Wei gave us.

"But once we do,it will lead us closer to Eldora."said Stella as we walk through the hallway,going to see Professor Palladium.

"Who will then be able to help us find a way to lock the Legendarium."said Tecna as we were infront of his class.

Good points.

"After Palladium's class,we'll see what he can tell us about Eldora's flower."said Bloom as we enter the classroom and close the door.

We had to.

The pixies aren't allowed in Palladium's class.

We stood by the other fairies as we hear Palladium speak.

"Potionology happens to be very powerful magic science.It's not merely a matter of which potion and how much but it's also a question of when,why and how come.Now watch closely students.A few drops each,like this,and see how the Trix dark magic has been completely reverse."said Professor Palladium as he drops a few drops of potion of three frogs and they turn back into the three fairies that the Trix impersonate during our mission.

"It's the freshman students we thought we were traveling with!"said Aisha.

"Metamorphosis can be one of the trickiest types of spells to undo but i have 3 crucial yet simple points to remember.Number one-huh?"Professor Palladium stopped as potion bottles start moving on his table.

That made an explosion.

A little one but still made Palladium cough.

"Pixies?!Look what you've done."said Palladium and the pixies hurry away."Now..where were we.In order to nullify the effects of a metamorphosis,we are going to need a mixture of magic herbs."

Palladium put the mixture into some type of process.

"More like smelly herbs."whisper Stella.

"Hush."i whisper back.

"And the fairy with animal powers.After you Roxy."said Palladium and Roxy put crow Griffin on the ground."Now focus."

"Nullify the wild!"cast Roxy and used her powers to merge with the mixture and made that spell surrond Griffin.

Next thing we saw is Griffin back to human.

"Wow Roxy!You did it."said Bloom as Griffin fell back but thank god two fairies catched her.

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