11: Proudly

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I yelped out as my body made hard contact with the oak wood flooring below me. I crawled away, but didn't get far enough before my ankle was yanked back and my face hit the floor.

"Don't try to escape now, baby." he sneered with a sinister smile. He pulled me to my feet and forced my eyes to his. "Now, take your shirt off." he ordered me. And I knew better than to disobey him.

I took my shirt off and turned around. The sound of a belt unbuckling rang in my ears, I whimpered at the sound. Condescending footsteps approached me from behind and a harsh shove was delivered to my back. Not realizing we were near the stairs, I felt myself falling further than I had expected. I came in contact with the top step, but it didn't stop there.

I tumbled down the stairs making sure to stay tucked so that I won't break my neck. Once I reached the bottom, I knew my agony wasn't over yet.

I was face down at the bottom of the stairs and his footsteps were muffled in my ringing ears. A harsh lash was delivered to my back with his belt and I yelled out.

"I'm sorry! Please!" I begged and pleaded with everything in me.




My back was definitely bleeding. I could feel the deep, red blood seeping out of my flesh and onto my skin.



Darry slapped his newspaper down harshly in the table next to his recliner. I blinked and it was all gone. Mark, his belt, the stairs, the house. All of it, gone. I sighed in relief when I realized none of it was real and I had, yet again, not taken my antidepressant yet.

My leg bounced, heart raced, palms sweat, and my head clouded up.

Oh god, please not now.

Suddenly, I felt like I couldn't get enough air to my lungs. My chest began to tighten and I wished I could be anywhere but here.

I stood up abruptly and went to the bathroom. My hands began to tremble and my lip shook. That tightening in my chest started.

Just breathe.

I locked the door to the bathroom and pulled out the pill bottle from under the sink. I popped two before putting it back. A sharp breath drew through my mouth, trying to find its way to my lungs. It pushed its way out of my mouth and back in, over and over again.

My head began to get fuzzy and I began to sway. The lack of oxygen made me light headed. I sank to my knees, hand on chest, gripping my shirt. Once I could breathe again, I exited the bathroom and went about my day.

As if I didn't just have a panic attack.

~Time Skip~

"Adam Carson."

"Curtis girl. Last time I saw you, you practically told me to fuck off." he took a few steps closer to me.

"This isn't about me. It's about you. I hear you owe someone some money." we were in an alleyway and I knew no one would hear us. This is generally where I do all of Brian's bidding.

"Oh yeah? Who says?" he smirks, thinking not much will come from me. He's so wrong.

I smirked a dangerous smirk, "Brian." his face dropped. "Now tell me, what's your poison? Coke? Molly? Weed? I personally like weed best, but... everyone's different." my tone was mocking and sinister.

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