10: Power

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"Hey Buck! Where's the kids with the grass?"

"Around the corner by the pool table." he then filled a glass with whiskey and set it in front of me, "I know the drill by now. Here's one to get you started."

I knocked back the fiery liquid and set off to get high. I found the kids near the pool table, like Buck had said, and stalked up to them.

"Hey, I heard you got grass." it was more of a statement than a question.

"Yeah, what's it to ya?" one with a bruise under his eye asked.

I rolled my eyes at the hostility and defensiveness, "I'm in need of some. Why else would I ask?"

"Alright." he picked up the blunt and rolled it in his fingers. "You got cash?"

"You got a hankering for another black eye?" His face twisted a bit before he stood up.

"You really want this princess?" I chuckled before grabbing it from his hands.

"Why money, when you can get something else?" My lips molded around the joint and the flame from my necklace began to release its fumes into my system.

A perfect smoke ring left my mouth and hit his face. Though the smoke rings weren't as visible as cigarette smoke, you could still see it under the red lights that enveloped the bodies. I walked away, leaving him confused. I always knew how to get what I want.

Dallas Winston was already leaning on the wall, talking to some chick he was probably gonna get into bed tonight. Her unusually light colored hair and dark roots gave away the fact that her hair was dyed. Her pounds of makeup gave away the fact that she was definitely your typical greaser slut.

I'm not saying there's anything bad with being a greaser, cause anybody can tell that I'm one of the greasiest greasers you can get. But, there's a difference between a fake greaser slut, and someone like me, who knows what she is. I know I sleep around, she pretends she's innocent and loves the guys she sleeps with. She pulls on their heart strings and leaves them to yearn after her for her own enjoyment.

Yes, I can tell all that just by looking at her. I'm good at reading people. At least, I am now. When I first started seeing Mark I definitely wasn't. If I was, I could've saved myself a year of physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse.

People may wonder why I would take the chance at sleeping with random guys, after everything Mark put me through.


Thats how. When you have power, you have everything under your control. I can make sure I get what I want and he can get what he wants. But what if a guy wants to be dominant? Then we just won't have sex.

I walked up behind the fake blonde and hovered next to her ear. "Scram, beautiful." I taunted her. She whipped around and glared at me.

"And who are you?"

God, her voice is annoying.

I inhaled the smoke from the blunt in between my fingers and blew it in her face. "Curtis, Y/N Curtis." I elabortated.

She waved her hand infront of her face to get rid of the smoke that I had previously blew in her face. "Is that name supposed to mean something to me?"

"It will when I take you by that pretty, blonde, box dye hair you have there on that pretty little head."

She stepped to the side and glared at me before walking away.

Dallas gave me a look that said "Alrighty then."

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