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Yusuf's POV

"What are you doing here?" Ahmed and his friends practically bark at me, "trying to make amends." I say turning around but Ahmed holds me back "what are you tryna do following my sister on Instagram? I swear to god Yusuf don't get her into this." He threatens me, "get her into what?" I ask,

"Your little messed up shit life." He says, "I've changed, ok?" I say, "yeah I'll know that when I see it." He says, before he looks at someone, "just leave ok?" He mumbles, I turn around, lowering my gaze when I realize who I'm looking at

I memorized her entire face and persona. Her long eyelashes and hazel eyes, peachy colored lips and button like nose, her navy blue hijab rapped elegantly around her neck.

Asiyas POV

I clear my throat, "Assalamualaikum." I say quickly
In a mumbled bit polite tone to Yusuf and the other brothers before approaching my brother, "I can go back if you're not ready yet." I say in whisper even though I'm annoyed with him, "no we were just saying goodbye." He glares at Yusuf before opening the car door for me.

A few minutes driving in silence, he finally says "Starbucks?"

"Nah didnt I tell you we're boycotting them." I said scrolling at my phone, "there's a local cafe near uni so you can drop me off there."

"Sure." He responds, once I'm there I order a pumpkin spice latte, and walk to my school.

Once I reach I head to my lecture class, I'm a little late but I just take a seat and listen to the professor.
When someone texts me, Tahsin this bastard.

Tahsin- hey why are you late.
Seen 6:59

Like I'll respond to his ass, he's basically just a Muslim guy in my class who thinks he's my husband which I wouldn't stoop that low not saying he's bad but he's just an American Muslim guy who thinks that because I'm Muslim and he's Muslim we're meant for each other. He's not smart at all, yea I guess he's smart academically but he's really just a dumbass. I'm so close to blocking him, cause really he can be nice I guess but I don't wanna lead him in the last thing I want is for him to track down my dad and ask for my hand in marriage. I never even gave him my number he stalked my brother at the mosque and pretended we had a project.

He's been trying to talk my brother into marriage, but I've made it clear to Ahmed he's a lousy excuse for a doctor. And I'm pretty sure he's married, oh did I not mention yea he's 32.

And if it couldn't get any worse he's married. I don't know it for sure but sometimes when he's getting ready to leave he slips on a silver ring on his left ring finger. Like can you make it more obvious? Before I knew it the boring part of my classes were over.

Most people hate college because..well..work. But when you really have a passion for what you plan on being for the rest of your life, it's fun. Not that staying up to finish random quizzes on the very detailed human body is fun. But when I reached my 3rd year we were permitted on going to a hospital most of our classes to get trained.

And today is the first day we're going, we're all meant to drive there and reach around 2:30 since some students take the train and before that have lunch. I checked my watch:

Enough time for me to go with the girls to get our bridesmaids dresses!

I'm so excited to match in our Indian dresses, yet I really hope we can find one today, we went last week and the 3 places had really stunning designs though they weren't exactly the color matches or did they have a good quality.

Zara is paying for half of each dress which I would object but she kept on saying that it's her fiancé who's paying for the whole wedding and that he wouldn't want to buy the extra fancy bridesmaids dresses she's been eyeing on Pinterest. And that we shouldn't suffer the financial burden of buying a dress that she wants.

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