The Intruders

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That Creature was strange.

He had to admit. He wasn't even sure what they were when he first saw them.

All his eye could make out were a few orange dots, where their head and chest should be...He doubted that's how they were supposed to look like, considering they definitely had arms and legs, otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to try and fight him, then kick him in said eye, damaging his vision further...

And they kicked hard. He wasn't sure his eye would recover for a long time, at least not until...Oh well...

He missed the times when his body healed easily...Or he thinks it did, he couldn't quite recall.

Now he had them trapped here. As punishment for said act...At least he told himself it was for that reason. He wasn't really sure why he decided to keep them alive, maybe, aside from the fact that they tasted absolutely disgusting and their skin was very hard to chew through, it seemed his venom didn't really work on them, or if it did, it couldn't kill them.

Wait, did it...? They did look motionless back there when he got close to them and that poor tree...He still feels bad about that, he usually never gets this angry in this form...He hates hurting his friends because of these inconveniences.

But said creature was...seemingly dead. It didn't show any signs of breathing like normal creatures do, the only sign, which would indicate they were still alive was the occasional slight twitching of their body. But dead things could sometimes do that too...Needless to say, he didn't know whether or not he should bury them.

He picked them up and carried them to a safer location, if they were alive, they would wake up. He assumed a day or few would be enough to find out and see. If not, welp... they'd join the rest of the animal carcasses in the ground.

Thankfully they had woken up later. He didn't know, why he was glad they weren't really dead, but he decided to ignore that, and that strange guilt, deciding to humor the thing, maybe repay them a little for hurting them. They themself will repay their own fault in time, that, he could promise. He wouldn't let them free until they were both even...

It turns out the creature was actually very fun to be around! They told him lots of interesting things he previously never even considered! That includes his own identity which he lacked for a while now. And they were right, "male" did suit him the most, despite the few obvious differences from the "human" ones, WX said it was alright.

Their name had a nice ring to it. It was very odd and quite hard to pronounce but it wasn't bad! They didn't seem to dislike his one either.

...Though he had a feeling, despite the docile facade, WX hated him. He couldn't exactly blame them. He was rude to them too. He usually didn't even consider what behavior was good or bad, it all faded away with time and pain...

...However, It became apparent when they tried to escape, on the third night, that they hated him, a lot. He knew he could've killed them when they said all those awful things to him. He should've....Yet he didn't. Why? He didn't really know, just like he didn't know why he kept them alive for this long. It didn't make much sense, usually when something angered him, all that was left of them was bones. Though here, he couldn't exactly do that...

He knew they were different from all the others he faced thus far. Not just because they were outwardly tougher, but their bold, reckless personality, the fact they were willing to throw everything away to ensure their "character" was intact was...Impressive. To say the least. Although it was also pretty dumb, he doubted they'd get that far in life with this attitude.

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