Meeting everyone

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As Johnnie walks around the house I take in my surroundings, looking at all the oddities around the house (something I'd definitely have in my own) a Ouija bored made with human blood, and a painting made with human blood, a running theme of dark almost haunting things, all courtesy of Jake Webber, "so, I know this is new and stuff, so you get to choose where you wanna sleep, either in my room or on the couch" johnnie rushes, I quickly turn my attention to him and chewing on my lip piercing for a second while trying to decide. "I'd feel like I was taking up space if I slept on the couch, cause I wake up late" I mumble out, trying to be louder but too unfamiliar with my surroundings to be Able to. Johnnie let's out a small laugh then ruffling his fringe "that's okay, I mean I've already slept with you before so" he says without realizing how bad it sounds, granted, it was both ways but still, my face flushed slightly red before I slightly choke on my own saliva "oh! I mean like. Sleeping, legit sleeping. Fuck-" he laughs, I cover my mouth with my hand to hide my sneaky smile, after we calm down and collect our solves I suddenly feel the dirt of not showering and almost two days and ask johnnie if I can shower and where the bathrooms at, he shows me the bathroom and gives me a towel before walking off to the living room, I hear the tv turn on and I proceed to turn some music on, on my phone and hop in the shower after I finish getting undressed, feeling warm and comfy as the hot water his my skin. I let out a sigh of relief as I close my eyes as this is one of the best showers I ever had, as I go to wash my hair I've forgotten I don't have any hair wash, I'm in johnnie bathroom so I let out a small devious giggle before grabbing his shampoo and conditioner and washing my hair.
~~~~~~~~~~~~after shower~~~~~~~~
Once I'm done I shake my hair around in the towel and dry it some before realizing I don't have any clothes, I peak my head out the door as I'm wrapped in the towel and yell-ish "Johnnie. Can you come here" say in a soft tone, I hear his foot steps trailing twords me and I see him, I send him a small little awkward shower while holding my arm with the freshly scabbed S/H twords my body (yes I know he knows I have them from the venue but I don't want to be triggering)
"Yes y/n?" He says with a slight blush on his cheeks, not fully looking at me as he speaks. A small smile tugs on my lips for a second before I shoo it away "I- I um...need clothes...preferably long sleeves...." I mumble as I look to the ground feeling a bit of shame for asking and slightly awkward, he lets out a small giggle before speaking "here I'll show you where my clothes are in my room and I'll let you choose". I nod at him nervously feeling weird about walking through his house in just a towel, but I shuffle behind him none the less, hold my towel for dear life around my body, as we walk into his room I watch as he walk to his clothes and points to what's where, I listen intently as I stand in the doorway of his room, being awkward once more "y/n your gonna sleep in here too, so it's technically your room for tonight as well" he says softly before walking over to me and taking my hand lightly pulling me into the room. He's so sweet and he barely knows me, and I'm sleeping in HIS BED WITH HIM TONIGHT how fucking lucky could I get. I think to myself as a smile spread across my face from his touch, I give him a small kiss on the cheek as thank you for being so unbelievably understanding and turning my attention to his clothes. I really gotta go clothes shopping now that I'm here, but for right now johnnies clothes will do. I think once more, grabbing a misfits shirt and a pair of pjs of his, then waddling to the bathroom to grab my bra, slipping it on quickly then sliding on everything out and walking back to johnnie. Once I was done we opted for sitting down and watching a horror movie, cuddled up on the couch with his arm wrapped around me, I could just actually die.
~~~~~~~~~~~~meeting jake~~~~~~~
Right before the movie was over we here the front door open and the infamous Jake webbers voice rings through the house, my anxiety comes back slightly as Johnnie raises his arm from around me and sits up straight on the couch causing me to to do the same but still staying close to johnnie "hey Jake, come here!!" He yells from the living room "alright I'm coming" Jake says,and I here his foot steps getting closer, I fiddle with my hands in my sleeves as he enters the room and raises an eyebrow at Johnnie before his eyes dart between me and Johnnie, I send an awkward smile before I feel myself sink into the couch a little more. "Hi" I practically mumble, my voice betraying me in the moment showing everyone ounce of nervousness that courses through me. "Hii I'm Jake by the way" he says with a dorky smile and offers his hand to me, I shake it knowing I myself is shaking an ungodly amount. After a while of talking and getting to know eachother jake disappears into the house somewhere I assume to go to bed because it's like 3 in the morning. I look over to johnnie who doesn't look the slightest bit of tired while my constant yawns and zero conversation due to not having any more energy show how sleepy I am. "You ready to go to sleep?" He says after I've yawned for like the 4th time in the past ten minutes, I nod lightly before throwing the back of my hair into a loose pony tail and leaving my side fringe (emo bangs) out framing my face. We get up and make our way to the bedroom and i plop down on the bed not even bothering to get under the blankets until a few moments later, I hear Johnnie practically giggle at me from the corner as he pulls off his skinny jeans and shirt then climbs in bed, I send him a playful glare before huffing, rolling onto my back and pulling the blanket over me. We make small talk (mainly johnnie talking to me) before I feel myself drift in the darkness and I can't hear anything anymore.

Hii guys, sorry this chapter took so fkn long to be out I've been trying to find what to write and what would be interesting but not having much time, but I hope you like it<333
I promise there will be better ones soon

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