Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes to the crisp air inside the house on the bottom of one of my ankles, as I become aware of my surroundings I find I hand wrapped up lightly in the back of my hair, my leg's between another pair of legs with a hand on my calf, and my face buried into the warmth of someone abdomen. I move slight trying to figure my way out of this but before I can think I feel a body's stretching from both ends.
"Mmm...Goodmorning..." I hear a raspy voice from above me speak, i sleepily pull the hoodie sleeves over my hands and bring one to my face, I look up trying to focus my vision on the beautiful bright blue eyes staring down at me. "Good morning.." I say shyly "seems like your stuck" he says yawning, i slightly look down at my legs find a sleeping Kyle trapping my legs. I let out a slight giggle as I feel Johnnie fiddle with my hair "I geuss I am, I'm not complaining though I'm pretty cozy, and it looks like to me I'm a good source of heat" Johnnie smiles shyly before looking away "you really do, your hair kept my hand warm" i smile, I go to speak but feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, I answer not looking at who it was
Hello~~?? I say in a sleepy tone, johnnie keeps his eyes on me almost as if he's trying to listen
Where the HELL are you?! I hear Sean's voice ring through the phone and I begin to shake. Johnnie raises his eyebrow still playing with my hair as if he was trying to keep me calm

No where Sean... you ditched me.. i say

Ditched you?? You wanted to spend your time with some ugly ass "emo" guy.

I didn't Sean. Why are you calling anyways. I say, my voice getting shakey

Because I'm gonna come get you. He says sternly

No your not. I'm not where I was. I lied. I was indeed where I was. And I was with Johnnie

Liar. I swear to fuck if your with that guy I'm beating your ass. 

As Johnnie heard those words escape Sean's lips he removed his hand from my hair and slightly gestured for my phone, I just let him because at this point I'm already to mentally exhausted to deal with Sean

Hello? Why are you calling her. Don't you have a girlfriend to worry about? Johnnie said, venom in his words
Yeah I do fuck face. The bitch is right next to you.

Oh well seem to think she's quiet lovely I think I just might take her. Now do you mind we're busy
And with that Johnnie hung up the phone and silenced his notifications and smiled down at me. I giggle slightly before placing my hand on his forearm
"Thank you" I say quietly, he doesn't pull his attention away from me, and for while we fell into a comfortable silence.
Time skip

"I'm hungry? Are you hungry" johnnie says quietly breaking the silence, my head still in his lap, i nod my head "but what about my feet?" I say giggling we both look down and laugh as johnnie removes one hand and place the other in my hair, he lifts kyles leg and i carefully pull my legs out and up to me, I slowly rotate to where i can stand and I feel every bone in my body crack, I look around for a blanket and pull it over onto Kyle. I turn around to see Johnnie staring at me "you need help up orrrr?" I laugh shyly turning around and offering my hand to help him up, pulling him just a little to close to me, we both go stumbling twords the wall and he quickly places an arm around my waist and the other one out twords the wall. "My baddd.. heh" I say, our body's closer then ever along with our lips being inches apart "i- it's okay. I kind of..jumped up" he shoots quick glances down at my lips and back up to my eyes, we stick like that until Johnnie clears his throat and places slowly removing his hand from around waist and to placing it lightly on my arm "are you okay" he says messing with his hair, my face is bright red so I quickly nod "mhm.. ready to go get food, I'm still hungry" I say quietly trying to avoid waking Kyle. We both nod the began walking out the door.
Like I said my attention to detail is insane. I'm sorry😭

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