Prologue - You Can See Me?

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It was a bright and sunny morning and everywhere you went you'd see groups of students making their way to school. Most of them excited to start fresh as the new school year began.

A young boy excitedly made his way through the crowd with expert precision. His energy seemed to have spilled into his appearance. Bright, wide eyes and unruly lilac hair which was kept in a low ponytail were his most notable attributes and against his mainly white school uniform he appeared to be an advertisement for the pastel pallete.

Shouts of seniors were heard each promoting their respective clubs, their voices boomed with authoritative passion.

Each time a upperclassmen would approach the young boy he seemed to ignore them, still with a wide smile of innocence.

"Hey you! Why don't you join the tennis club! It's great- uhh..."
'He just ran past me? Why have such a welcoming smile if you're gonna be so rude!'
The slighted student whined in offence at such blatant disregard.

The boy stopped for a second and shivered. 'Ma' was right I should have worn a cardigan. Ughh but it looked so sunny!'

His pace slowed to a jog until he seemingly stopped in awe. In front of him was a table with a banner with the words 'Teikō Junior High basketball: Ever-Victorious' boldy written.

He ran forward before stopping right in front of the people in charge of signing people up to the club. He bounced on his toes, his energy never seeming to die down.

"Can I sign up for basketball, please!"

"Here, try-outs will be tomorrow 2nd period lunch and after school. If you can't take it then, we also have try-outs the day after at the same times. We will determine what string you belong to based on what we see."

The boy was scribbling furiously on the sheet of paper, thoroughly filling out all the questions. There were only three.

Name: Jun Soruu
Reason for joining: I really enjoy basketball.

"Ok! Thank you! Uh- do I give this back now?"

"you filled it out right? Yea. OK give it to me now."

The boy sheepishly handed back the paper and placed the pen back into the pen holder. "Thanks again."

He turned around, his mission complete. "Oh hey, sorry I'll get out your way."

The boy had nearly walked into another kid, a short boy with light blue hair and deadpan eyes.
He didn't see how the upperclassman he was just talking to seemed to have a mini heart attack at the sudden appearance of the second boy.

"Thank you."

Soruu began his jog once more, this time toward the school building. Once again expertly manoeuvring through the swarms of students.


'He saw me? He didn't even seem to be scared for a second.'
A young kuroko thought. He had long gotten used to the comical reactions his precence brought, so the lack of reaction displayed by the hyper-active boy was strange. Out of his norm.

He made his way to his class. He was going to make his way to his preferred seat placed last row by the window but the boy he saw earlier seem to be ecstatic at his arrival.

"We're in the same class! I actually know someone, awesome! Hey, you play basketball too right? You were signing up for team too?"

Luckily not many people had arrived, most still outside signing up to clubs but the few who were the turned the heads to stare at the loud boy.
Kuroko was sure they hadn't even realised his presence and thought the boy was crazy.

"Please don't speak so loud."

Walking past the boy and making his way to his seat. He thought that was the end of it but no, the boy plopped down next to him.
A smile painted on his lips.

"I'm Jun Soruu. What's your name?"
His volume had dialed down by a lot, above a whisper but not quite as high as normal level.

"Tesuya Kuroko. And I enjoy basketball, so of course I'd sign up for the team."

"Awesome! Ahhh I can't wait to start playing! Hey, how about we play after school together? Get in some quick practice before try-outs?"
Now he was at normal volume with the occasional raise in volume. Must be the excitement.

Kuroko felt a small twinge of endearment for the boy. He was like a precious little puppy. He could see the ears and tail begin to take shape as the boy's eyes shone with unrivalled excitement.

"OK. Let's play together."

Both of them wore smiles. Jun, a wide bright and bubbly smile matched by Kuroko's smaller and serene smile.

'This is nice.'

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