Harley Everdeen

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Legal name: Harley Meadow Everdeen
Birth name: Harley meadow Everdeen
Married name: none
First name: Harley
Last name: Everdeen
Preferred name: any
Nicknames she has
Lucy Gray- Har, Shadow, flicker
Coriolanus - Ley, Meadow, wildflower, hardhead, careless girl
Serjenus- Arley, Meads, Doe
Jessup- Shadow, Hars, Leyla,
Nicknames she has for others
Lucy Gray - songbird, birdy, Luc, Gray
Coriolanus - Snowy, Coryo, snowdrop, arrogant in human form, dumbass
Serjenus - Jen, Ser, clever boy
Jessup - Jes, Jessie, JJ
Aliases: none
Origin of name
Harley -Harley is a gender-neutral name of British origin, coming from the Old English words hara, meaning "hare," and leah, meaning "meadow."
Meadow -Meadow is derived from the Old English word "maedwe," which means "meadow" or "field."
Everdeen -Everdeen is a girl's name of Old English origin meaning "farmstead where the wild boars are seen." The name Everdeen is derived from Old English, and it means "valley of the boar" or "valley of the deer". It is a combination of the words "eofor", meaning "boar", and "denu", meaning "valley" or "dale"

Species: human
Age: 18
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/ her
Sexuality: pansexual
Marital status: single

Date of birth: October 13
Place of birth: District 12, Panem
Zodiac : libra
Birth stone: Opal
Birth flower: rose
Date of death: TBD
Place of death: TBD
Cause of death: TBD
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Nationality: ....Panemians (??)
Accent: none
Known languages: English, Spanish, French
Social class: lower
District 12
Peacekeepers (sorta)
Previous residence: District 12, Panem
Current Residence: District 12, panem
Current Occupation: hunter and tracker
Previous Occupation: seamstress
Dream Occupation: tracker and Hunter
Education: high school level
Criminal record: petty theft
First appearance: Balled of songbirds and snakes
First line: "You must be the new boys, I'm supposed to show you around the woods,"
Last Appearance: Balled of songbirds and snakes (as of now)
Last line: "You Snowy have changed so much in the time I've known you..."
Status: TBD

Portrayed by: Crystal Reed
Eye color: brown
Hair color: brown
Hair texture: soft and wavy
Hair length: lower back
Height: 5'2
Glasses or contacts: no
Piercings: no
Tattoos: no
Scars: some scattered across her body
Appearances: Hunger games Balled of songbirds and snakes

Mental heath: 89/100
Mental illnesses: anger issues
Fears: being isolated, being trapped, drowning, never finding someone who loves her
Physical illnesses : none
Typical mood: neutral, seemingly bored
Personality- she is a stubborn and hard headed girl who is hard to reason with once she's set her mind to something. She is a very loyal friend though and is very caring to those she loves, children or those who can't care for themselves. Harley is very sassy and quick witted, not taking kindly to being disrespected in her territory by outsiders. Sharp tongued with no filter she is no stranger to making eneimes but most learn to care for the girl as she's befriended some peacekeepers. She can definitely have a temper and lash out at those around her if she's pushed to far, yet she's very passionate in things she loves. Protective and reckless go hand in hand with her, she will try to protect those she loves to the point it could bring about her death but that won't stop her from doing it.
Skills: archery, hunting, tracking, fast and stronger then she looks
Likes: nature, animals, hunting, the woods, singing, going for walks, curling up under nice warm blankets, watching the stars, swimming, fresh baked bread (when she can get it), flowers, having fun, playing games with the new peacekeepers aka tormenting them, adventures, thunderstorms
Dislikes: crowds, rude people, disrespect, pushy people, being told what to do, being touched when she can't see who's touching her, snobby people, bright colors, cities, the games
Hobbies: hunting, running, swimming
Habits: chewing her lip, running her fingers though her hair, pacing
Soft spot: her friends, her family, children, later on Coriolanus
Goals: being free, finding someone who loves her and can put up with her
Independent or dependent: Independent
Introvert or extrovert: extrovert
Booksmart or streetsmart: streetsmart
Drinking Habits: on occasion
Smoking Habits: on occasion
Addictions: adrenaline, fighting
Moral alignment: chaotic neutral
First impression: That she's distant
Notable favorites
Color - red
Animal - deer
Season - fall
Place- the woods
Reputation: amongst district 12 and peacekeepers that know her well they love her, newer ones don't like her much because they don't understand her

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