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41 1 17

Legal name: Alessia Rosalia Ricci
Birth name: Alessia Rosalia Ricci
Married name: N / A
First name: Alessia
Last name: Ricci
Preferred name: Alessia
Less - mostly the Kooks
Lesi - friends
Rose - love interest
Lia - friends
Aliases: none
Origin of name
Alessia - Alessia is an Italian given name, the feminine form of the male given name Alessio, the Italian form of Alexius. It is a popular name for females in Italy and was the second most popular name for Italian girls born in 2006. The name may mean "defending warrior".
Rosalia -Rosalia is a feminine given name of Latin origin meaning "rose" and was the name of an early saint Saint Rosalia. In Latin, the Rosalia was a festival of roses celebrated variously throughout the Roman Empire.
Ricci -is an Italian surname, derived from the adjective "riccio", meaning curly.

Species: human
Age: 16
Gender: female
Pronouns: she / her
Sexuality: pansexual
Marital status: single

Date of birth: October 31, 2003
Place of birth: Cinque Terre, Italy
Zodiac : Scorpio
Number: 5 - dynamic, quick witted, restless, creative, innovative, daring, persuasive, charming, procrastinator
Color: teal - broadminded, welcoming, sympathetic, private, edgy, uneasy, apprehensive
Animal: squirrel - readiness, multitasking, new life ahead, healing, happier days
Aura: black - blocked energy, fear, distrust
Tarot card :XIX- THE SUN - positivy, freedom, joy, success, optimism, openness
Date of death: TBD
Place of death: TBD
Cause of death: TBD
Ethnicity: Italian
Nationality: Italian
Accent: Italian
Known languages: English, Italian, French, German
Social class: more a Pouge then kook
The Pouges
The Wreck
Current Occupation: the wreck / tutor and translator
Previous Occupation: none, they moved to much
Education: high school
First appearance: Pilot
First line: "What are you running from boys?"
Last Appearance: Secret of the Gnomon  (as of now )
Last line: TBD
Status: Alive

Date of birth: October 31, 2003Place of birth: Cinque Terre, Italy Zodiac : Scorpio Number: 5 - dynamic, quick witted, restless, creative, innovative, daring, persuasive, charming, procrastinator Color: teal - broadminded, welcoming, sympathetic, ...

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Portrayed by: Deva Cassel
Eye color: dark brown
Hair color: brown
Hair texture: wavy and soft
Hair length: little passed shoulders
Height: 5'2
Glasses or contacts: no
Piercings: ears
Tattoos: no
Scars: some scattered
Birthmark: no
Appearances: Outerbanks

Mental heath: 87/100
Mental illnesses: anxiety
Fears: losing everyone, having no one to turn to, ice covered lakes, strangers touching her
Physical illnesses : beginning stages of breast cancer
positive traits: loyal, caring, brave, protective, sweet, sympathetic, creative, private, charming
Negative traits: anxious, reckless, depressed, skittish, sarcastic, fighter
Skills: knowledge, hand to hand combat
Likes: reading, having fun, baking, learning new things, animals music, coffee, the water, FLOWERS
Dislikes: jerks, being teased because she's not fluent in English, being touched by strangers, deep water
Hobbies: baking, gardening, going from walks
Independent or dependent: she likes to think of herself as independent but as time goes on she becomes more dependent
Introvert or extrovert: mixed
Booksmart or streetsmart: streetsmart
Drinking Habits: on occasion
Smoking Habits: almost everyday
Addictions: sweets, smoking
Moral alignment: chaotic neutral

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