Chapter 4

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Ba-dump! Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

My heart pounded painfully within my chest as I tore a path through the bushes. My throat heaved with each harsh and erratic breath I forcefully took. I could literally feel each beat bouncing painfully against my ribcage. It felt as if an artery would burst any second now. Literally.

Branches of thick underbrush snagged at my sweater in an attempt to slow me down, but despite their efforts to thwart me, I managed to push myself forward.

I was so focused on running, I faintly noticed the cuts and scrapes on my arms-- all of which were received from the various thorn bushes I ran through-- until I saw blood stains on the sleeves of my sweater. Seeing my blood brought back images of that deer, sprawled out on the forest floor as it laid in a pool of its own blood. It plagued my thoughts like nightmares.

Don't look back. Don't even think. Just run like hell!

The advice did not need to be told twice.

Although I wasn't known for being the best runner back in high school, my fight-or-flight instincts kicked in and before I knew it, I'm sprinting through the woods like a well trained athlete about to win a gold metal at the Olympics. The finish line being home and my reward; me keeping my life. That sounds about fair wouldn't you agree?

If only my old P.E teacher could see me now. He'd have given me an A for the freakin' term last year.

But you're not running for a good grade, Katrina, I'm quickly reminded by subconscious me. You're running for your life here!

As I tried to remember my way back to the house I would be sleeping in for the summer, I noticed something very odd. I'm surprised it took me so long to realize it.

There were no clear indications that I was being followed. Not even the sound of paws tearing the earth behind me, or the vicious growl of a blood thirsty beast. Just the hurried steps of my knee high boots hitting the forest floor and the rustling of leaves as I ran through bushes.

Despite my better judgement, I chanced a glance behind me, and was surprised to see...


No deer. And more importantly, no wolf.

Nothing but nature.

Seeing no animal in sight, I momentarily convinced myself I had lost it when I was 110% sure it wasn't there. I was willing to fool myself into believing I had escaped the clutches of a dangerous predator because of my will to live. It's scientifically proven that humans do tend to exceed their own limits of expectations when faced with the fear of sayth.

Maybe I outran it, I thought hopefully.

Or maybe, now this may seem a bit farfetched so bear with me on this but, just maybe, it didn't follow you. That could be a better and more logical reason than the first -and highly ludicrous- assumption. You? Outrunning a wolf? Pu-lease.

Wow. Way to crush your own self-esteem, subconscious me.

Nevertheless, even if I wasn't followed, I at least managed to put enough distance between me and that wolf. But I really hoped it didn't follow me.

I slowed my pace, eventually coming to a stop. A much needed breather is in order, I concluded, leaning against a nearby tree for support as I tried to catch my breath. Perspiration from my long run trickled down my forehead onto the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2018 ⏰

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