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-Your POV-

The phone buzzed in my hand. It scared me and I accidentally hit myself on the sink.

"Shit." I said holding my side. I really hope the guys outside the door didn't hear anything.

"Everything alright in there Ms. (Y/n)?" One asked politely. Honestly I don't know how this guy can be such a bad guy.

"Yeah, I'm just clumsy and accidentally hit myself. I'll be right out. Haha."

Giving such a nervous fake laugh I turned off the phone off without replying back. Thankfully the guys outside didn't hear it. I swear I'm going to punch Steve for texting back after I told h not to do so. He could have ruined it and wouldn't have been able to rescue me.

I came out of the restroom fixing my shirt so they wouldn't notice I was hiding the phone in my bra. At the moment I thought that it could be the safest place I can keep it. We walked back to where Loki was having his meeting. I just sat in one of the couches outside and looked outside the window. Everything looked so peaceful and I wished I was outside but I couldn't.

-Steve's POV-

"(Y/n)'s signal is gone." I heard Bruce tell Stark.

'What have I done?' I asked myself. Could they have caught her? I hope they didn't. We need to get to her as soon as possible.

"Is everything ready? Can we go save (y/n) now? What's taking so long?" Nat seemed eager as I was. I know she has been wanting to get her hands on Loki since the last time.

-Your POV-

Loki looked worried. I had to plays part and pretend I was worried about him so I got up and went to go hug him.

"Is something wrong? You look worried about something." I looked up to him with big puppy eyes and gave him a small peck on the lips. This doesn't feel so bad. It feels normal. I don't can't be actually worried about him can I? What is wrong with me?

"Everything is fine. It's nothing you should be worried about. Just some business I need to take care off back home." He said looking down at me. I couldn't help but stare at those gorgeous green eyes of his. OMG! What did I just say?

"Will we be going back there soon?"

"I will be going. You will stay here safe. I can't risk losing you again." He was still holding me then gave me a kiss on the top of my head.

This will be my chance to escape. My chance to be free again. But will I be free? Do I really want to leave? I don't know what to do. I just want to be able to be myself again, whoever that is. I must have spaced out a bit because I looked up and Loki was looking at me wondering what I was thinking.

"Are you ok (y/n)? Do you not want me to go or do you want to come with me?" He asked.

I just stood there looking into his eyes and said nothing for a few minutes. "You have to go do what you have to. I'll stay here safe so you won't worry. I promise I'll be here when you get back."

Sorry that it's short but I don't where I'm going with this right now. Send me ideas please I want your feedback and stuff.

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