Chapter 16: Boboiboy Thunderstorm vs Raiden Shogun (Battle of The Lightning)

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Chapter 16: Boboiboy Thunderstorm vs Raiden Shogun (Battle of The Lightning)

Two days after they helped Ayaka and Yoimiya

Lumine, Boboiboy, and Paimon are walking around Inazuma

"Inazuma's not such a bad place, Paimon's having a pretty good time! But... we should probably go and see about the "next operation" that Thoma and Ayaka were talking about, right?" Paimona asked

"As usual, it's the first stop, Komore Teahouse. Are you two ready to head over?"

"Yes." Lumine nodded

"I'm ready as ever." Boboiboy said as they went to Komore Teahouse

-At Komore Teahouse-

Once they enter the Teahouse, they greet the dog. The strange thing is the place seems empty

"Thoma. We have arrived. Are you here?" Boboiboy called out but no response

Krik... Krik... Krik...

"How strange... It's never this quiet here." Paimon said

"Woof, woof... woof!" Taroumaru, the dog, suddenly barked which gained the three's attention

"Thoma's playing his ventriloquist game again, huh?" Paimon sighed before calling him out "Thoma... Thoma..."

There was no reply as Taroumaru continued barking "Woof! Woof! ...Woof!"

"Hey, you can come out now... Paimon's seen you already..." Paimon frowned "Huh, not a peep... Ugh, so where the heck is he, then?"

"Thoma!? Are you here!?" Boboiboy called out again but still no response

"Woof, woof, woof! Woof!"

"Huh? What's got Taroumaru so worked up today? He's always such a good boy..." Paimon wondered

The three continue to look around until they hear rushed footsteps. They turn to the source, only to see Ayaka running towards them with a worried look on her face.

"Hello, have either of you seen Thoma?" Ayaka immediately asked

"No, we thought he'd be with you! Why, has something happened?"

"Then it as I feared... On the way here, I heard that Thoma had been taken away by the Tenryou Commission. I wasn't certain whether it was true, so I came right here. The fact that he hasn't arrived here as we arranged suggests that it is true.

The Raiden Shogun is holding a Vision Hunt Ceremony at the Statue of the Omnipresent God today, to mark the 100th Vision seized under the decree. And the 100th Vision bearer in question... the one who will have their Vision seized, I fear... is Thoma."

Ayaka told them which made them surprised

"Hold up a second... So the ceremony that Thoma said the Tenryou Commission was busy preparing for... that was this Vision Hunt Ceremony? And he was the target all along?" Paimon asked

"...I believe so. The shogun and the Tenryou Commission see the ceremony as a milestone. With the 100th Vision, they wish to mark the success of the Vision Hunt Decree to date." Ayaka shook her head and spoke firmly "This cannot happen. I must go and rescue him!"

Taroumaru excitedly barked "Woof, woof! Woof!"

"Wait, Ayaka. You can't go. You are the Shirasagi Himegimi." Boboiboy told her

"Yeah! Like it or not, you represent the whole Yashiro Commission. So if you go and pull a stunt like that, you're basically declaring you and the Raiden Shogun are enemies now, right? And by doing it so publicly, you might be implicating a lot of other people from the Yashiro Commission, too..."

The Elemental Hero in Teyvat - Boboiboy x Genshin impact CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now